Learning outcomes
- Graduates have a profound understanding of security and privacy risks and mitigations in Cyber Space and are able to model and evaluate these risks and mitigations.
- Graduates have understanding and skills of applying the relevant foundations of cyber security, such as cryptography, formal methods, statistics, machine learning, and data analytics.
- Graduates have understanding and skills of cyber security engineering methodologies in the small and in the large.
- Graduates have insight into cross-disciplinary aspects of cyber security such as law, psychology, economics, governance, and management, and are able to read and understand basic texts from those domains and communicate with experts from those domains on cyber security.
- Graduates have understanding and skills of methods and approaches for practical security evaluation of ICT systems such as penetration testing, risk assessment, and monitoring & analytics.
- Graduates have specialist knowledge and understanding of one or more sub-fields or aspects of cyber security, typically acquired via research in the final year project.
- Graduates have practical experience conducting scientific research into cyber security, contributing to such research, applying the results, following the trends of this sub-field and contributing to its further development.
Core courses. These are highly recommended for all students (5 EC each)
- CCS: Cyber Crime Science (Hartel, Junger)
- CDA: Cyber Data Analytics (Verwer)
- CRM: Cyber Risk Management (Pieters)
- Crp: Security and Cryptography (van der Lubbe, Erkin, Peter)
- NeS-Twente: Network security (Pras, Sperotto) †
- NeS-Delft: Network Security (Doerr) †
- SoS-Twente: Software Security (van de Pol) §
- LBS-Delft: Language-Based Software Security (Erdweg, Visser) §
† There are two NeS courses, one offered by Twente and one offered by Delft. Students are free to choose which version they wish to attend but not both.
§ Students in Delft are advised to attend LBS and students in Twente are advised to attend SoS.
Integration courses. (1.5 EC each except MbA)
- IwK: An Off-site summer school of one week at the beginning of year 2 (Hartel, van den Berg)
- MbA: Mentoring by Alumni (0EC, Hartel, Doerr)
Electives. (5 EC each, except Q101)
- ASA: Applied Security Analysis "Hacking Lab" (Doerr, Pouwelse) *
- Bio: Biometrics (Veldhuis, Spreeuwers, Meuwly)
- CSM: Cyber Security Management (Wieringa, Dimkov)
- DiF: Digital Forensics (Hoogstrate)
- ELa: E-Law (Broos)
- EoS: Economics of Security (Ganan, van Eeten)
- PET: Privacy Enhancing Technologies (Peter, Erkin)
- Q101: Fundamentals of quantum information (4EC, DiCarlo, Wehner)
- Q201: Quantum communication and cryptography (Wehner)
- SDM: Secure Data Management (Jonker)
- SeV: Security Verification (Huisman, van de Pol)
- STR: Software Testing and Reverse engineering (Verwer, van Deursen)
*) Travel to Delft required.
Final year project and local mandatory courses for MSC Computer Science
University of Twente
- CoE: Computer Ethics (5 EC, Søraker) ‡
- FYP: Final year project (30 EC)
- ReT: Research topics (10 EC)
‡ CoE is mandatory for all computer science master students in Twente. Students from Delft are welcome to attend CoE.
Technical University Delft
- CC1 .. CC5 : Common core computer Science (5 x 5 EC)
- FYP: Final year project (45 EC)
- MCS-Delft: Methods in Cyber Security (5 EC)
Local courses with security
It is also possible to sit local courses that include aspects of security, or that provide useful background knowledge for security, such as:
- Basic Machine Learning (Poel, UT 201600070, Q1)
- Cloud Networking (van den Berg, UT 201400177, Q2)
- Mobile and Wireless Networking I (Heijenk, UT 192620010, Q3)
Please discuss your choice of local courses with your program mentor.