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Cyber Security
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Cyber Security


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4TU Cyber Security Prgramme comes to an end

After September 2024 the UT And TU Delft will end the joint 4TU Cyber Security programme and both universities will organize their separate programmes. In preparation of this change, alternative courses with largely overlapping content are offered already in academic year 2023 at both universities. Thus, students in academic year 2023-2024 can choose whether to take the UT version or the TUD alternative (via tele-lecturing or previous lecture recordings).

Students at the University of Twente students can find further details at the UT website.

Core courses

*) Nes-Delft and Ins-Twente overlap to such an extent that students cannot attend both.

+) LBS and SoS overlap to such an extent that students cannot attend both.

Technical electives

**) BCT-Twente and BCE-Delft overlap to such an extent that students cannot attend both.

Socio-technical electives

Final year project and local courses for MSC Computer Science



Local courses recommended as prerequisites


  • MaL: Basic Machine learning - Poel - UT:201600070 - Q1
  • DiS: Distributed Systems - van Steen - UT:192130112 - Q2
  • SyV: System Validation - Huisman - UT:192140122 - Q1


  • FDA: Fundamentals of Data Analytics - Fiebig - TUD:SEN1631 - Q3
  • DiA: Distributed Algorithms - Epema - TUD:IN4150 - Q2 - 6 EC
  • SyV: System Validation - Keiren - TUD:IN4387 - Q1

Local courses with cyber security

It is also possible to sit local courses that include aspects of security, or that provide useful background knowledge for security, such as:


  • ClN: Cloud Networking - van den Berg - UT:201400177 - Q2
  • MWN: Mobile and Wireless Networking I - Heijenk - UT:192620010 - Q3


Delft and Twente impose a number of slightly different rules on the courses that students can select. To avoid problems, students are advised to agree with their program mentor on an individual study plan within the first two months of starting the program. (see study plan)