Changing Gears
The theme for this year, Changing Gears, is about how design can drive the pace of change. Societal challenges like climate change require a speedy response, while others require slowing down. Designer researchers at the 4TU are setting the change in motion. What gear are you in?
We will highlight this theme in an exhibition, where you can interact with 14 top design research projects, and a Design Research Programma:
4TU.Design United Expo: 19 - 27 October Klokgebouw
4TU.Design United Dialogues: 21 - 25 October Natlab
We present our Dialogues within the Mission Days of Dutch Design Week in a new partnership with the Dutch Design Foundation. We invite participants to join our five consecutive thematic morning programmes in the Natlab, to discuss, test, play and experience the latest design research at the 4TU.
Monday, October 21, 10:00 - 12:30 Living Environment
Tuesday, October 22, 10:00 - 12:30 Thriving Planet
Wednesday, October 23, 11:30 - 14:30 Digital Future (co-located with the Design&AI symposium)
Thursday, October 24, 10:00 - 12:30 Health and Wellbeing
Friday, October 25, 10:00 - 12:30 Equal Society