Design United aims to connect researchers from the four technical universities, collaborate in research with industry and ignite Design Research Debate in the Netherlands.
Anticipating the year 2025 and our exposure and appearance at the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven, we have composed an active year programme that involves you, researchers of Design United, and we hope you will join us to co-create the future of Design United!
We invite you to join our strategic Design United community meeting: Perspectives!
Keynote by Esther Turnhout
Preliminary program
10:00 welcome, introduction plenary and keynote
12:00 lunch
13:00 – break-out sessions discussing and (re)defining important themes in Design Research.
15:30 – drinks
16:00 – the end
Save the Date. Register.
DU Perspectives February 12; 10:00 - 16:00
Location: DesignLab @ University of Twente
Hengelosestraat 500; 7521 AN Enschede