Researchers from 4TU Design United have conducted inventory studies on safety, mobility and more.
Researchers from 4TU Design United have conducted inventory studies on safety, mobility, health, water and circular & biobased construction, the themes of the Design Research & Innovation Festival DRIVE. The studies show which current research projects are ongoing and what the knowledge questions are for the future within the various domains.
DRIVE 2020
In 2020, CLICKNL organized the Design Research & Innovation Festival DRIVE together with 4TU research center Design United, with a brand new set-up. During the Dutch Design Week, live and online audiences and speakers came together during interactive, inspiring online DRIVE sessions. Five days in a row, five different themesa and in collaboration with the World Design Embassies. Researchers and creative professionals spoke about tackling undermining within the security domain, about mobility, the theme of drinking water, circular and biobased construction and health. The focus of the inventory studies has been determined and carried out in consultation with and provides a knowledge base for these Embassies. The safety and mobility studies are highlighted below:
Inventory research Safety | Creative approach to tackling subversion
An inventory study into the crossover between the creative industries and the security sector.
Nynke Tromp and Albert Kingma, Delft University of Technology
Research set-up
The inventory focused on public-private partnership projects of recent years. Examples of subversive crime include renting out barns that are actually used for cannabis plantations or drug labs, using tokens in casinos for money laundering, and enticing young people to lend a hand in criminal organizations. The inventory resulted in insights into which areas opportunities occu for the creative industry and which knowledge is needed to contribute to combating undermining.
Read more about the themes of the research in the CLICKNL newsletter
Inventory research Mobility | Challenges in Mobility Research
An inventory of research projects in the complex world of mobility
Dr. ir. Katinka Bergema and Prof. mr. dr. ir. Sicco C. Santema, Delft University of Technology
Research set-up
To get a grip on the challenges surrounding the complexity of mobility, various researchers were interviewed, particularly within 4TU, (online) events were visited and literature and project documentation were studied.
The focus was on making an inventory of what research is underway, the opinion of the interviewees about the future of mobility and to understand which topics are relevant for the future. All insights from the research were clustered into five themes. The report describes how the studies fit within the themes and indicates which directions are important for the future.
Initially, the focus was on mobility hubs, but based on the insights and opinions about mobility hubs, this was later broadened to ‘complexity in mobility’.
Read more about the themes of the research in the CLICKNL newsletter
The topics of the other three studies are shown below. The full set of the five studies can be found on this page.
Inventory Water Opportunities for Creating Abundance
An inventory study of the water system to find opportunities for creating abundance of drinking water
Ir. Pim de Jager, Prof. Dr. Ir. Huub Rijnaarts, ir. Xiaomeng Zhou, Wageningen University Research Ir. Stijn van Terwisga, TU Delft
Inventory Health Citizen Science for Health
An inventory study into the challenges of citizen science for health
Sabine Wildevuur, Paulien Melis, Designlab, UTwente
Inventory Circular & Biobased Building Circularity and Biobased Materials in Architecture and Design
An inventory study into the status quo and research questions for the future
Prof. Ir. Juliette Bekkering, Dr. Dipl. Ing. Cristina Nan, Dr. Dipl. Ing. Torsten Schröder, Eindhoven University of Technology