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2014 Mind the Step
18 - 26 October
Klokgebouw Eindhoven

The exhibition Mind the Step introduces six design themes Care, Live, Learn, Make, Move and Sense, topics that are intensely pursued by the three Technical Design Faculties of Design United. The themes provide guidance for 68 design research projects that illustrate the themes. 

18-26 October 2014

CARE applies to prevention, care, offering structure, health, well-being, body and mind, and respect.

People need care, not only for themselves and their immediate environment, but also in a wider social sense. Care can range from personal and intimate to special groups, such as care for children, the sick, the elderly or prisoners.

The Ambulance drone is one of the exhibited projects. You can download the full set of projects below.

18-26 October 2014

LEARN is about learning by experiencing/doing, learning in the real world, the importance of learning (serious), the fun of learning, playful discovery and becoming aware.

Learning is part of every form of living, learning means adjusting, becoming wiser, acquiring insight, individually or in a social context. Learning can be planned, purposeful and conscious, but also subtle and almost imperceptible,

without any conscious planning. People learn eagerly and fast whenever it gives them benefit or (in)direct pleasure. Learning happens at all ages, from the baby finding out where it can drink milk, to the very old person adjusting to his or her deteriorating body or mind.

Sneak preview:

Discover Area, Workshops in Ghanaian community according to Western design

18-26 October 2014

LIVE concerns the home environment, intimacy, being with your loved ones, feeling at home, being yourself, autonomy, relaxing (not: working, sleeping, preparing food).

People eat, sleep and make a living, they may take care of their children and their immediate social environment and will also to a greater or lesser extent develop their abilities. Live primarily concerns being allowed to be yourself in your own familiar surroundings, being in a place and environment without any ‘shoulds’. The English term ‘living room’ means the space where, contrary to other locations within the home, no well-defined program needs to be followed. It can also apply to hobbies and passions.

Sneak preview:

18-26 October 2014

MAKE refers to (the new) professional skill, materializing, modelling, personalizing, advanced manufacture, creation and construction.

Humans can only survive if they can bend their environment to their will, ‘make’ it. From primeval times onwards humans have learned to create more and more advanced tools, machines, and living environments, adjusting to the needs of changing times and creating opportunities for a safer, better, healthier, richer life.

Not only the physical but also the cognitive and emotional potential of humans are constantly being extended.

Sneak preview:

Download all projects:

18-26 October 2014
Move & Sense

MOVE is about moving and being moved, (tran)sport, infrastructure, moving home (home mobility).

No life without movement. Moving, being able to go to the place where you want or have to be, is a universal human theme. Human life demands constant adjustment, and adjustment often includes movement. How do people move safely, quickly and comfortably? What are the optimal movements of products that people need or that enable them to create opportunities?

SENSE shows designs in which touch, materials, emotions and feeling play a central role. 

The environment provokes feelings in people, emotions they may seek or rather avoid. The immediate surroundings constantly put humans in certain moods – sometimes quite evidently, at other times almost imperceptibly. Touch, more broadly sense interaction, plays an important role in this process, sometimes consciously, usually unconsciously.

Sneak Preview MOVE:

Sneak preview SENSE:

Download all projects


Behold for the first time during the DDW the  spectacular solar-powered racing cars from the three Dutch technical universities. See how robots can be more and more helpful, how ambulance drones can reach the accident site in no time and how the processes surrounding a hospital patient are made more transparent and efficient. Admire clothing that incorporates your entire music collection. Discover how to generate wind power around buildings and how to make your surroundings literally undulate using sound and movement.

In the exhibition Mind the Step the visitor encounters various themes that provide guidance concerning content: Care, Live, Learn, Make, Move and Sense. So this is not a fair with each party separately showing their activities, but a presentation of appealing topics that are intensively pursued by various departments and institutes.

In the exhibition we have broken the tradition of barely showing the designers, users and industry behind the designs. Indeed they are all paraded on 25 banners with a personal quote on design. Each banner renders a voice in Mind the Step. Together with a number of lectures and discussions in the context of ‘Mind the Story’, a range of designs and reflections rooted in society and technology is offered.

Dr. Lucas Asselbergs, Project leader Mind the Step