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2015 Mind the Step
17 - 25 October 2015
Klokgebouw Eindhoven

Discover the power of technology, research, and design.

Technology and design are inseparable. Design cannot exist without technology and vice versa. Good designs help us solve problems, enrich our lives and present new challenges...  Explore the inspiring projects and discover all about it.  


There’s no doubt that growing numbers of people long to live in the city. All over the world, people are flocking to cities, depopulating rural areas. 

What does the city have to offer and how do we create a world that’s safe, and provides enough work and ‘fuel’? A world that helps us to realize our dreams?

The Twist is one of the exhibited projects. You can download the full set of projects below.

Take a look at more projects of all the themes: Circular Economy, City, Design Conversations, Future Mobility, Health, Home, Material Innovations, and Wearables.

Future Mobility

Now that the diesel engine has been written off for good as an environmentally friendly power source, the focus has significantly shifted to electric and ‘solar-powered’ transport. 

Sun and electricity are like air and fire – the ideal blend will provide us with limitless energy and the electric car will be merely a link in the sustainable energy chain. And it’s not only energy, but our modes of transport and the comfort we require of them, which are becoming increasingly important. Despite digitization, earth’s progressively wealthier population will be more mobile than ever.

Sneak preview:

Take a look at more projects of all the themes: Circular Economy, City, Design Conversations, Future Mobility, Health, Home, Material Innovations, and Wearables.


Designers are dedicated to addressing a broad spectrum of health-related issues. When it comes to designing products and services tailored to meet users’ needs, health is by far the most demanding field for design.

This topic looks at getting better, staying healthy, and how to get even more out of your body.

Sneak preview:

Take a look at more projects of all the themes: Circular Economy, City, Design Conversations, Future Mobility, Health, Home, Material Innovations, and Wearables.


In the near future, clothing won’t just protect us, keep us warm and express our identity; what we wear will interact with us and the environment. 

What we wear will become more personal, more a form of support and challenge in our everyday lives. Imperfections will be healed or corrected almost seamlessly thanks to smart products that are a direct extension of the body.

Sneak preview:

Take a look at more projects of all the themes:  Circular Economy, City, Design Conversations, Future Mobility, Health, Home, Material Innovations, and Wearables.

More Themes

Circular Economy

Design Conversations


Material innovations

Circular Economy | Products are conceived, designed, realized, used and disposed of, destroyed. This simple yet deadly line representing a product’s life cycle inevitably results in the total depletion of the earth’s resources. The Circular Economy theme deals with ways of designing products so we can transform their lifespan from a straight line to a circle, and functionally re-use the greatest amount of material with the least amount of energy. Healthy and profitable.

Design Conversations | Designers don’t simply think about how they create products, services and systems, they also think about the process. Discover how designers think, and learn about this unusual kind of design that is meant to encourage reflecting on the design process, and inspire both designers and users.

Home | There are few places where design matters more than in the home. The home has become a hub of almost all our activities. Not just eating, sleeping, and enjoying free time – together or alone – more than ever, home is where we seek inspiration, and where we work. ‘Living’ and ‘home’ have become multi-purpose terms to which the designers contribute or respond.

Material Innovations | No matter how virtual life becomes, we cannot survive without the material world. We need constructions for housing, working, finding shelter, and for our physical mobility. The development of 3D printing is opening up unprecedented new possibilities – the sky’s the limit. And that’s not all. Ice is another incredibly versatile material we use to create.

Take a look at more projects of all the themes:  Circular Economy, City, Design Conversations, Future Mobility, Health, Home, Material Innovations, and Wearables.


Steering Committee

  • mr. Jo van Ham, Chairman (Executive Board) Aarnout Brombacher (Industrial Design) Philip de Goey (Mechanical Engineering) Elphi Nelissen (Architecture, Building and Planning), Ena Voûte (TU Delft) Aarnout Brombacher (TU/e) prof.dr. Geert Dewulf (UTwente) Daan van Eijk (TU Delft) ir. Bart Ahsmann

Project Committee

  • Project leader: dr. Lucas Asselbergs Project coordinator: Jeanette Schoumacher Project assistants: Paul van Beek, Eef Lubbers MSc, Jelle Wories

Design United

  • Eindhoven University of Technology Architecture, Building and Planning: Ir. Tom Veeger Industrial Design: Miguel Bruns, Jeanette Schoumacher, Stephan Wensveen Mechanical Engineering: Pascal Appel MSc
  • Delft University of Technology Industrial Design Engineering: ir.Bart Ahsmann, Maaike Kleinsmann, ir. Matthijs Netten, Pieter Jan Stappers, Angeline Westbroek
  • University Twente Industrial Design Engineering: ir. Julia Garde, Mascha van der Voort

Design Exhibition / Graphic Design

  • Volle-Kracht | concept


  • Ernst de Groot (mesh lingerie) Bob Mans (Kimbow) Ernst Mutsaers (A custom fit parametric bra) Tomas Mutsaers (Be-tween) Bart van Overbeeke Exhibitors

Text & Translation

  • Rekers & van Noppen, dr. Lucas Asselbergs


  • dr. Lucas Asselbergs (final editor), Jeanette Schoumacher (final editor), ir. Julia Garde, ir. Jaap van Grinsven, Eef Lubbers MSc, ir. Matthijs Netten, ir. Tom Veeger, Angeline Westbroek

Technology and design are inseparable.

Design cannot exist without technology and vice versa. Good designs help us solve problems, enrich our lives, and present new challenges. Technology connects us with the inventiveness that can help us lead potentially richer, safer, and happier lives. Over the course of the last century, technology has made gigantic leaps. The advent of the telephone or the television is dwarfed by the coming of the internet, while smartphones and the digitization of society have transported us to a huge forest – a place which, in principle, is open to all, where happiness awaits – and you can lose your way.

Both fairy-tale forest and perilous jungle. Possibilities are endless, and steering a course and reaching well-informed decisions are ever-more complex. This exhibition reveals how technology and design intersect at progressively deeper levels. The process of adapting, synthesis and separating, analysis, is a continuum of which the designs you see here are illustrations and evidence. We are increasingly aware that this development affects us all, and touches all our lives. The goal is to enrich our existence, from birth to death, with designs that make a difference.

We challenge you to explore and become immersed in the qualities that Mind the Step embodies. We’re eager to hear your thoughts. Welcome to Mind the Step 2015.

Dr. Lucas Asselbergs, Project leader Mind the Step


Dutch Design Week is the week of inspiration, discoveries, and encounters. DDW offers the greatest concentration of makers and creations in the region. A rich biotope with the ideal conditions for designers and designs to grow and flourish. All the more reason we’re delighted to be here, at the heart of DDW, in the Klokgebouw, and with you, the visitor to this exhibition.

Mind the Step 2015 presents a continuation of what began as an experiment in 2014: a collaboration between different TU/e faculties and Design United, the 3TU research institute of the design courses TUD, TU/e, and UT. Mind the Step is for different target groups, ranging from visitors with an interest in design to specialist experts, and from the government to academies. In the last edition, many visitors were amazed to see what can be achieved through a synergy of technology, research, and design. And this year, too, there is a myriad of designs waiting to be discovered. Products, systems, and services that not only relate to how we learn, move, live, stay healthy and reproduce, but also to how we should design. The emphasis lies on the step we can make, and the challenge we want to accept. As we come closer to creating products and services for the companies and users of the near future.

Mr. Jo van Ham, Vice-President Executive Board, Eindhoven University of Technology Daan van Eijk, Science Director, Design United