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2018 Mind the Step
20 - 28 October 2018
Klokgebouw Eindhoven

This edition of Mind the Step presents familiar themes such as energy-efficient and sustainable cars, medical devices, smart materials, and advanced use of data. All these concepts are relevant to our lives, both now and in the future. They are a starting point for a debate on how we see the world of today and tomorrow.

Design for Debate


Almost all good designs are a solution to a problem or an answer to a question that has not yet been asked. 

Some designs do not offer answers, instead, they pose yet more questions. Better questions. They surprise, stimulate, and sometimes they irritate.

One of the exhibited projects. You can download the full set of projects below.

Take a look at all themes and projects: Design for Debate, Health and Wellbeing, Home and Leisure, Improving Professional Environment, Innovative Materials, The New Mobility.

Health and Wellbeing


 Design makes healthier living possible and helps where illnesses or deficiencies take their toll. Research-driven technology design can be very meaningful here. Little steps towards immortality.

One of the exhibited projects. You can download the full set of projects below.

Take a look at all themes and projects: Design for Debate, Health and Wellbeing, Home and Leisure, Improving Professional Environment, Innovative Materials, The New Mobility.

Home and Leisure


We communicate on a daily basis with our loved ones, close by or from afar. Sound and images play an essential role and form a challenge for innovative design. Designs that can simplify, sweeten and enrich our lives and sometimes even shake them up in a pleasant way.

One of the exhibited projects. You can download the full set of projects below.

Take a look at all themes and projects: Design for Debate, Health and Wellbeing, Home and Leisure, Improving Professional Environment, Innovative Materials, The New Mobility.

Improving Professional Environments

A happy day at work.

We spend a significant part of the day working or learning. Modern technology, research, and the latest design insights show us that we can make our work more pleasant and flexible.

One of the exhibited projects. You can download the full set of projects below.

Take a look at all themes and projects: Design for Debate, Health and Wellbeing, Home and Leisure, Improving Professional Environment, Innovative Materials, The New Mobility.

More Themes

Innovative Materials

The New Mobility

Innovative Materials | Exploring new basics

However digital and virtual our world becomes, we cannot do this without good materials. We want suitable clothing. Chairs to sit on, houses to live in. Materials to build things with. These ‘basics’ are becoming increasingly personalized and flexible.

The New Mobility | Clean, safe, and fast forward

Faster, safer, and cleaner, that is what it is all about, often all three at the same time, like with the car of the future. Sometimes it is all about a single aspect, like the cyclists in the pack. The delegation of control will become increasingly important in future mobility. An intriguing development that we are not all ready for.

Take a look at more projects of all  themes:  Design for Debate, Health and Wellbeing, Homa and Leisure, Improving Professional Environment, Innovative Material, The New Mobility:


Steering Committee

  • Mr. Jo van Ham (Vice-president Executive Board), Lin Lin Chen (Industrial Design), Elphi Nelissen (Built Environment), Daan van Eijk (Design United)

Project Committee

  • Project leader: dr. Lucas Asselbergs, Project coordinator: Jeanette Schoumacher. Project assistants: Mitchell Multem, Daan Heijsters

Design United

  • Eindhoven University of Technology Built Environment: ir. Tom Veeger, Ir. Ivo Jongsma Industrial Design: Jeanette Schoumacher, Stephan Wensveen
  • Delft University of Technology Industrial Design Engineering: Geert van den Boogaard, Hans Suijkerbuijk
  • University Twente Industrial Design Engineering: Wouter Eggen, Miriam Iliohan, David Claassen

Design Exhibition / Graphic Design

  • Volle-Kracht | concept
  • Mirjam Houben


  • Bart van Overbeeke, Eddie Mol, Exhibitors

Text & Translation

  • Rekers & van Noppen, dr. Lucas Asselbergs


  • dr. Lucas Asselbergs, Jeanette Schoumacher

On-line Media

  • Milou Bruinenberg, Vimukthi Gunatilleke

Mind the Step is about you

In recent years, the Dutch Design Week has increasingly become the place where ideas about the society of the future are given intensive exposure. Mind the Step is the DDW exhibition that focuses on technology, users, and design. In a continuous cycle that strives to achieve a better, nicer, cleaner, fairer, safer, and more comfortable society. Packaging all these ideals in a single design is impossible, but the pursuit of this goal is characteristic of the participating designer's activities. This edition of Mind the Step presents familiar themes such as energy-efficient and sustainable cars, medical devices, smart materials and advanced uses of data. All these concepts are relevant to our lives, both now and in the future. They are a starting point for a debate on how we see the world of today and tomorrow. Sometimes this debate results in a radical change in design philosophy. In other cases, the original concept is developed further to create a tangible product or system. You will encounter products that will become available in the not-too-distant future and ideas that primarily stimulate and intrigue you by giving you a glimpse of things that are still many years away. Design as an ongoing process of analysis and synthesis, devising, testing, adapting, researching, and improving. In a highly dynamic society. We invite you to participate in this process, explore the exhibition, and exchange ideas with the designers. Mind the Step is there for you and asks you for a reaction. You cannot ignore it; it is all about you.

Lucas Asselbergs, Project Leader Mind the Step