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Design United
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Design United


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HomeProjectsTête à Tete 22

Tête à Tete 22

“TĂȘte-Ă -tĂȘte 22” is a conversational sitting object which we designed to explore the intimate dependency in relationships that are difficult to achieve remotely. Using a pair of kinetic chairs that gradually become unstable, the installation requires its seatmates to work as a team to maintain their balance.

A Motion Interactive Kinetic Installation, “TĂȘte-Ă -tĂȘte 22”, is placed in a daily setting. It is a set of two sideways tilting chairs connected by a mechanical linkage. Initially, a brake prevents the chairs from tilting. As the brake is slowly released, the seatmates become increasingly dependent on each other to keep their balance, as in a relationship.

While technology provides greater safety and flexibility in interacting with each other, we now have fewer opportunities to interact physically. The loss of proximity has left many people feeling isolated, distanced, and disengaged with even the closest of family members and co-workers. These feelings of being emotionally and sensually absent led us to imagine and create “Tête-à-Tête 22”.
