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Meet the winning student team 4TU Impact challenge - Helsinki

Wednesday 1 December 2021 / 18.00 - 20.30

After over a year and a half of online activities we are excited to be hosting our first international physical event for alumni in Helsinki on Wednesday 1 December 2021 and hope you can join us!

During this special DEAN* gathering the student winners and runner ups of the 4TU Impact Challenge finale (taking place the day before) will be put in the alumni spotlight. In an interview format our young entrepreneurs will share their venture ideas and future plans as well as answer questions from the audience.

The evening programme will also include updates from your Dutch technical university alma maters, and concludes with a 'borrel' mixer with fellow alumni  – a great way to access our shared Nordic network of 5,000+ local graduates including over 500 alumni living in Helsinki!

Location: VALO Hotel, Mannerheimintie 109, Helsinki


18:00hr - 18:30hr Registration

18:30hr - 18:40hr Opening by the Dutch Ambassador to Finland Govert Jan Bijl de Vroe

18:40hr - 18.50 hr Short University updates

18:50hr - 19:30hr Interview with 4TU Impact Challenge winners & finalists

19:30hr - 20:30hr Borrel

Please sign-up via this online form (registration is handled by the Univeristy of Twente Alumni Office).