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4TU.Energy Activities

Our scientific activities are carried out to meet our specific 4C goals:

We have also prioritised our activities in support of research and education. Some of the activities we have initiated are listed below as examples:

Other activities include joint efforts with the support of our partnership, with whom we share the same vision of Energy Transition:

Keep an eye on our news and events sections to keep up to date!

Activity Highlight 1: Annual 4TU.Energy Community Day

4TU.Energy’s foremost emphasis lies in strengthening the bonds within the community while simultaneously concentrating on research and education. One of the annual activities that serves this purpose is the 4TU. Energy Community Day, which serves as a platform for researchers to forge connections, expand their professional network, and seek inspiration from their peers.

Each year, Energy Community Day forms a specific theme: Theme 2023 - Boost Our Collaboration; Theme 2024 - Energy Landscape and Funding Opportunities.

More detailed program, incl. after-movie, presentation and poster downloads can be found below:

The 4TU.Energy Community Day in Retrospect (2023)

A look back at the 4TU.Energy Community Day (2024)

Activity Highlight 2: Annual 4TU.Energy PhD course

The annual PhD course aims to enable knowledge transfer and build the capacity of young researchers to learn from and to reflect on timely energy topics, additionally, to facilitate PhD students to analyze energy transition from the lens of other research areas, such as social science. Each year the course program is curated by different experts on the program topics. With a different program content and speakers every year; the course format will be similar as a combination of presentations, lectures, and workshops covering the perspectives on both social science and innovative technology in conjunctive 2 days. This course will be provided by academic researchers and different stakeholders from industry/company, municipalities, and governmental bodies.

Looking back at the 4TU.Energy PhD Course - November 2023

Looking back at the 4TU.Energy PhD Course - November 2024

Activity Highlight 3: 4TU.Responsible Sustainability Challenge

The MSc honours track “Responsible Sustainability Challenge”, often referred to as RSC, is developed in collaboration with other 4TU.centres: 4TU.High-Tech Materials and 4TU.Ethics and Technology. This track offers a unique opportunity take part in interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-university learning (at TU Delft, TU Eindhoven and University of Twente). The educational approach within this track is rooted in Challenge-Based Learning, with a blend of live events and online mentoring from both academic teachers and companies who provided the real-life challenges. We have a special webpage dedicated to this programme where you can read more. 

Activity Highlight 4: Deloitte "Future of Energy Business" course

This course, targeting energy-interested 3rd-year bachelor and master students as well as opening to PhD students, is co-organized by Deloitte and 4TU.Energy, with the aim to explore transformative ideas, to engage students in insightful discussions regarding energy transition, and to equip the next generation of energy leaders with the tools needed to drive change from a business perspective.