Energy Researchers are invited by 4TU.Built Environment to join their Meet-Up on 30th October 2024, in Utrecht.
4TU Research Center of Built Environment aims to connect all people involved in the Domain Acceleration Team’s (DAT’s) and to gain new insights and share knowledge.
"Energy Transition" is one important DAT. All DATs are listed here:
- Circularity and Sustainability
- Climate Adaptation and Mitigation
- Energy Transition
- Digitalization
- Health in the Built Environment
- Infrastructure and Mobility
On 30th October, the inspiring day will provide you the chance to be connected with other researchers in the DAT.
There is a keynote and theme on the integration of research and education towards the fourth generation University: research and education with turbulence.
There is also an optional funding opportunities meeting from 10:00 to 12:00, before the Meet-Up from 12:00 to 18:00.
See detailed information here.
If you want to become active in one of the Domain Acceleration Teams (DAT) or want to join the 4TU.Built Environment event of October 30th, please contact Maaike Riemersma (4TU.Built Environment Coordinator), email: