4TU Energy Calls for Funding
(version date: 26-11-2024; valid in 2025)
Key message:
- Your proposal works as a good start for more following collaborations within the 4TU.Energy Community
- Open call for “community activity” funding and “rapid research” funding; Type of "community activity" proposal should show the benefit of how the community can be further strengthened; Type of "rapid research" proposal should show the reason for the urgency to carry out your research
- All proposals should include at least 2 out of 4TU partners
- For each application, a maximum €25k will be granted
- The call opens continuously from 1st April 2023 and closes until the funding budget is distributed
- The funding should be spent within 1 year after awarded
- Required output:
o One A4 page report, with photo and or video as preferred visual material
o Receipts/invoices on the real cost/spend
o A short presentation for 4TU Energy public event
- Proposal include 5 items:
o WHO are the applicants?
o WHAT type of funding do you apply for?
o HOW much funding is requested?
o WHY is the funding needed?
o WHEN will the funding be used?
- Review criteria:
o Collaboration (25%): are there at least 2 universities in the proposal? how will the binding be strengthened?
o Contribution to the community or research (20%): follow-ups on consortia or more research proposals?
o Commitment of time and money (20%): is the budget plan eligible and reasonable?
o The importance and urgency (20%): why 4TU.Energy needs to fund you? why now?
o Innovative character (15%): where is the state of the art?
- Procedure:
o Pdf file to s.lou@tue.nl (Coordinator: Sha Lou)
o Confirmation email
o Results will be announced within 2 months from the date of submission
o If selected, give a small pitch on 4TU Energy public event
o If granted, submit a short report on progress/results within 1 year
Please go through the full version of the funding scheme and read carefully about the details.
On our webpage dedicated to the Funded Projects, we inform you about all funded projects.