Confirm your interest in a green energy Ideation Lab, and collaborate with students to explore the societal and commercial value of your research!
After the successful implementation of a hydrogen & green chemistry ideation labs, enabled by Groenvermogen NL and a successful 4TU Ideation Labs on High-Tech for a Sustainable Future, we are now exploring the national interest for a future green energy ideation labs. In order to determine the interest among green energy researchers, we are looking for excited future participants and ambassadors for a green energy ideation labs. Upon sufficient interest from researchers, we expect to run an ideation lab Q1 & Q2 2026, and hopefully it will run for several years.
What’s in it for you:
- Enhanced awareness of your research
- Data for future research
- New industry research collaborators
- Financial compensation for your IP (startup OR license)
- Potential startup with trained individuals ready to take the torch out
- Further specify your impact chapter in future grants
We’re looking for:
- Enthusiasm for entrepreneurship
- 1-hour weekly commitment for an update meeting with the students
- Ideas at Technology readiness level (TRL) 1 to 5 are welcome