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Call for Research Ideas for Valorization

Tuesday, 10 December 2024
Join our Entrepreneurship Ideation Lab, and collaborate with students to explore the societal and commercial value of your research!


Confirm your interest in a green energy Ideation Lab, and collaborate with students to explore the societal and commercial value of your research!

After the successful implementation of a hydrogen & green chemistry ideation labs, enabled by Groenvermogen NL and a successful 4TU Ideation Labs on High-Tech for a Sustainable Future, we are now exploring the national interest for a future green energy ideation labs. In order to determine the interest among green energy researchers, we are looking for excited future participants and ambassadors for a green energy ideation labs. Upon sufficient interest from researchers, we expect to run an ideation lab Q1 & Q2 2026, and hopefully it will run for several years.


What’s in it for you:


We’re looking for:

Register here to get more information

If you want to know more about 

- What can Green Energy Ideation Labs do for you regarding valorization?

- How does it work if you want to explore the societal and commercial value of your research

- The possibilities of your entrepreneurship

Let us know by registration to get the contact!
