Part of the
Ethics and Technology
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Ethics and Technology


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


PhD community

PhD council

Gavrilo Marčetić
Víctor Betriu Yáñez

Career perspectives: academic and non-academic careers

If 4TU PhDs need help to consider their future career, either inside or outside the university, there are places they can go at each university. If you as 4TU.Ethics PhD cannot find the right course at your own university, you are welcome to contact other 4TU universities to follow a course over there.

- For TU Delft, you can contactĀ 

- For Wageningen you can go to the webpage of the course you like to follow (see the links below) and register for the course.Ā 

- For the University of Twente, you can contact Sofia Boekholt, Course Coordinator CDC

- For TU Eindhoven, you can contact Ingrid Vogels, course coordinator,

Career perspectives per University

TU Delft

The university offers various courses focused on career perpectives. PhDs also have a budget to follow courses outside of the university.

The courses offered at the TU Delft:

T4.F2 Career Development ā€“ Making impact with your Thesis
You will practise how to think in an entrepreneurial way and develop your own business ideas based on your PhD research.

T4.G3 Career Development - Prepare for a career in academia
This workshop is aimed at PhDs who have passed their ā€œgo decisionā€ and value support in preparing and deciding whether academia is the right career step.

T4.G4 Career Development - Looking for Work in The Netherlands
This pragmatic workshop aims to deliver insights balancing your career values with your career goals.

T4.G5 Career Development - Personal branding, presenting yourself effectively
You will develop your brand personality and create a self-made brand template, which you can use to stand out the crowd.

T4.G6 Career Development - Preparing for an assessment center
In this course you will gather a lot of insight and practical tips to be able to participate in an assessment center, as part of an application procedure in industry.

T4.G7 Career Development - Exploring a career outside academia
This workshop is aimed at PhDs who have passed the go/no-go phase and wish to explore career possibilities outside of academia upon graduation.

T4.G8 Career Development - Building an Inclusive Workplace Together
With fellow female PhD candidates, you will explore best practices, share insights, compare experiences, and discuss your ideas and challenges in your learning environment that has direct relevance and personal impact.

T4.G10 Career Development - Personality Matters
In this course the ā€˜Golden Personality Type Profilerā€™ will be briefly explained to you, you will receive help in exploring your personal results, and you will be challenged to draft learning goals in an interactive setting which can be implemented throughout your PhD and beyond.

T4.G12 Career Development - Get your materials ready for job applications
This course is aimed at PhD candidates who are preparing to transition to their next career and need to refresh or develop their art of writing a CV, motivation letter, personal statement and LinkedIn profile.

T4.G14 Career Development - From Scientist to Entrepreneur
The goal of this course is for you to become familiar concepts from innovation management, business management, communication design and organisation psychology that are crucial in getting a good idea out of the academic realm into the ā€œreal worldā€.

TU Eindhoven

University of Twente

At the University of Twente PhDs can get career councelling via this link.

The university also offers various courses focused on career perspectives. If you're not a PhD of the University of Twente and you would like to follow one of these courses, then contact Sofia Boekholt, Course Coordinator CDC

Career Orientation and Application

Career prospects for Young Professionals

Entrepreneurial Researcher Programme

Entrepreneurial Researcher Programme - Online

TGS: Interview Skills

Wageningen University

The Wageningen University offers various career oriented courses for PhDs. Both PhDs of the WUR and other 4TU PhDs can register for these courses.

Career Assessment (New format)
The career assessment will help you to translate your competences, knowledge and skills acquired during your PhD to the demands of employers in various sectors, by describing them in tangible results.

Career Orientation - Reviews previous participantsĀ 
Meant for PhD candidates and postdocs who are orienting themselves in what future career to choose, in or outside of science.

Career Perspectives (New format)
The training Career Perspectives is meant for PhDs in their third or fourth year to prepare them for their next career step.

Entrepreneurship in and outside Science
Analysis and development of entrepreneurial skills and career opportunities for young scientists in or outside academia to create impact, exploring possibilities for applications of scientific insights: projects, impact propositions and working as or at a startup company as a scientist.