Part of the
Ethics and Technology
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Ethics and Technology


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


Submit to the Blog

4TU.Ethics Independent Blog welcomes contribution from inside and outside the 4TU.Ethics community. If you are part of 4TU.Ethics and would like to submit your own post, please use the form accessible via your login. 

If you are not affiliated with 4TU.Ethics and would like to submit your post, please contact the editorial team directly with your idea or draft as an attachment. 

Guidelines for your submission

Blog writing is a fun and inspiring activity to facilitate the writing routine for young academics in the ethics and philosophy of technology. It can be used to write about one’s research topic, a paper one has in mind, or any other issue related to philosophy/ethics and technology. 4TU.Ethics Blog is a platform where such blogs are peer-reviewed and published. Our aim is to target both academic and non-academic audiences to increase visibility and achieve a better public outreach. Here are our guidelines for writing the blog post:

Content related guidelines

  1. Please be explicit about the core message of the blog early in the text.
  2. We accept posts about i) original research, opinion pieces, and interviews ii) planned publications, and other research-related announcements iii) any other issue related to philosophy/ethics and technology.
  3. You might want to use additional sources to better communicate your ideas, such as as: film, song, news articles, podcasts, painting, photography, artwork, quotes, personal experiences, or anything else that can neatly exemplify and help to communicate your topic.
  4. Please check whether the process and the outcome meet the following criteria: Conciseness, Joyfulness, Relevance, Simplicity, Readability.
  5. Make sure your language is suitable for a wider audience.
  6. Use short paragraphs.
  7. References to academic scholarship are welcomed, but should be used moderately.

Editorial Guidelines

  1. Please include a catchy title and a couple of lines explaining the relevance of your topic as you see it.
  2. There is a word limit of 1000 words max.
  3. Please indicate which tag fits your blog the best: Opinion, Inspirational, Critical perspective, Reflection, Controversial ideas
  4. Use headings and subheadings
  5. Include list of references at the end (if references are used)
  6. Provide title image. Also feel free to provide (optional) images throughout the text (always include image sources!).
  7. Please include a short author bio of yourself (What you study/research, interests, link to own website/Twitter/Linkedin/etc).
  8. Optional: Provide ‘quotes’ of key sentences that can appear throughout the text to attract attention.