Part of the
Ethics and Technology
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Ethics and Technology


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


CC2 Writing retreat November 2024

Located on a beautiful farm, surrounded by nature and like-minded PhD students, the writing retreat is the perfect occasion to get some nice writing done, bond with others, and learn from each other and our writing coach. The days will be filled with plenty of writing time, some fun and relaxing activities to keep our spirits up, and a writing workshop with our coach. Cooking and eating together and enjoying nature will be part of the experience, offering another good chance to let ideas and words flow freely.

The writing coach will be announched later on.


Aim / objective

The aim is to enable students to get a lot of writing done for their dissertation. In addition, several workshops will help PhD students to become a better writer.


Students are obligatory to attend the whole retreat. There will be no assessment.

Credit points

Study load is the equivalent of: 2.5 ECTS.


There is an own contribution of €100.

Registration/application form

Registration for November 2024 is not open yet.
The writing retreat is only open to 4TU.Ethics PhD members

More information

For more information, contact the PhD council.