Part of the
Ethics and Technology
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Ethics and Technology


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61



4TU.Ethics aims to engage with industry on developing technological products and systems. Through adhering to ethical standards and societal values and needs, these gain greater societal acceptance. Our researchers collaborate to seek and identify potential consequences and ethical aspects of new technological products and practices. By working with developers, we contribute to creating technologies that are responsible, sustainable, and ethical before they are implemented in society. To that end, we provide the transfer of both knowledge and skills.

Collaborating with Industry Partners

Members of 4TU.Ethics have outstanding track records in terms of collaboration with and outreach to industry. Many of these projects involved the responsible development or redesign of concrete products and services. Others included the general enhancement of responsible innovation practices for the participating company. We have similar collaborations with publicly funded technology labs in the context of such projects. Furthermore, our members are regularly interviewed by engineering magazines and some members also write columns or feature articles for them. Our researchers have collaborated with companies such as Ericsson, Royal Haskoning DHV, Novartis, IHC Merwede, Google, Facebook, TomTom, Deutsche Telekom, Eneco, DAF Trucks, Nogepa, Nederlandse Gasunie, Alliander, Ballast Nedam and Philips. These collaborations were done in the context of NWO Responsible Innovation and Horizon 2020 RRI projects,

Future Outreach

4TU.Ethics is committed to explore and improve methods of engagement with developers of technology in the field, in order to influence design processes, practices, and outcomes. These methods may involve:

4TU.Ethics is pursuing a similar strategy for interaction with professional end-users (both organisations as end-users and professional groups).


For more information about collaboration with 4TU.Ethics, please contact our members individually or one of our coordinators at