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Ethics and Technology
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Ethics and Technology


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Agata Gurzawska

Trilateral Research


Agata is an Associate Research Manager at Trilateral Research.

Agata’s background lies in international public and human rights law. Her areas of expertise and main research interests encompass: human rights and business, corporate social responsibility (CSR), strategic CSR, ethics of technology, responsible innovation and new technologies in the business context.

Currently, Agata is involved in the COPKIT Project conducting an integrated data protection and ethical impact assessment of COPKIT technologies. She focuses on ethical, legal and societal aspects of intelligence-led technologies used by Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) in fighting organised crime and terrorism. Moreover, she works on PREFET: Proactive Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Observatory for early trends, project building and social responsibility.

Prior to joining Trilateral Research, Agata worked as a PhD candidate and Research Assistant at the Department of Philosophy, University of Twente, where she was engaged in a number of FP7 and Horizon 2020 projects, including SATORI (Stakeholders Acting Together On the ethical impact assessment of Research and Innovation), Responsible Industry and SHERPA.

In her career, Agata has cooperated with the Danish Institute for Human Rights (Copenhagen), the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (Warsaw), the Centre for Business, Organisations & Society (University of Bath) and 4TU.Centre for Ethics and Technology (The Netherlands).

Agata holds an M.A. in Law from the University of Lodz and an M.A. in Human Rights and Democratisation from the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (E.MA.).

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