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Ethics and Technology
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Ethics and Technology


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Agnieszka Hunka

The Research Institute of Sweden (RISE)


Agnieszka supported the Centre as a Coordinator (Assistant Director) at the University of Twente. She is currently collaborating with the Task Force Energy and Sustainability

Before coming to Twente she worked in multidisciplinary teams together with water managers, civil engineers, policy scientists, biologists and ecotoxicologists in three different countries: Poland (2004-2007), the Netherlands (2004-2009), and Denmark (2010-2013). Another multidisciplinary collaboration she is involved with is the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, where she is a co-founder and a steering committee of Science Communication advisory group.

In 2010-2013 Agnieszka was a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at Roskilde University in Denmark where she worked on an FP7 EU project CREAM. The project brought together a large network of academics, regulatory agencies and industry representatives working towards a more realistic and stakeholder-driven environmental risk assessment. For more information, please visit Agnieszka’s CREAM project website here, or her page at Roskilde University.

She holds a PhD in environmental science, earned from Radboud University Nijmegen and have a Master degree in landscape architecture (MSc Eng, 2004) and in social psychology (MSc, 2002). During her PhD studies she worked on several projects focused on transboundary water management and flood risk communication, Freude am Fluss among others. Her research into flood risk, attitudes towards nature and institutional support for water management in Poland resulted in a PhD thesis, which she defended in April, 2010.