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Christine Boshuijzen – van Burken

University of New South Wales
School of Engineering and Information Technology
Visiting address:
University of New South Wales at the
Australian Defence Force Academy
Northcott Drive, Campbell, 2612, ACT
Canberra, Australia
Building 21, Level 1, room 370
Post address:
University of New South Wales at the
Australian Defence Force Academy
School of Engineering and Information Technology
Northcott Drive, Campbell, 2612, ACT
Canberra, Australia


Christine Boshuijzen – van Burken currently works at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) at the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) in Canberra, Australia.

In her current project she focuses on values in autonomous weapons systems. She also uses insights from Reformational philosophy to evaluate normative issues at the intersections of humans and/or society and technology.

She held research and teaching positions at Eindhoven University of Technology, Delft University of Technology and the Royal Military Academy in the Netherlands and Linnaeus University, Sweden. She served as assistant-director for the OZSW (Dutch Research School of Philosophy) from 2014-2018.

She holds a PhD degree in ethics and philosophy of technology. Her dissertation was  in the field of military technology and ethics. She further holds a BSc in Human Kinetic Engineering (The Hague University of Professional Education, 2002), a BSc in Mechanical Engineering (Eindhoven, Fontys University of Professional Eduction, 2004) and a MA at the Amsterdam Vrije Universiteit, faculty of Philosophy (2006). She worked several years as a mechanical engineer before starting her PhD studies.

Besides her academic work, Christine served on the board of the Association for Christian Philosophy and as a reserve soldier at the Royal Netherlands Reserve Army.



For a full list of publications, see here:



C.G. Boshuijzen – van Burken (2016) Beyond technological mediation – a normative practice approach. Techné, Research in Philosophy and Technology. forthcoming in issue 20(3).


– C.G. Boshuijzen – Van Burken and B. Van Bezooijen (2015) ‘Morally responsible decision making in networked military operations’, in: J. van den Hoven, B.J. Koops, H. Romijn, T. Swierstra, and I. Oosterlaken (eds.) Responsible Innovation, Volume 2, Springer, Dordrecht.


– C.G. van Burken, Moral Decision Making in Network Enabled Operations. Dissertation (PhD thesis). Eindhoven University of Technology (2014). Published by 3TU Center for Ethics and Technology.


– C.G. van Burken and L.M.M. Royakkers, Responsibility in ICT Networks: Reflections on using the Battlefield Super Soldier Suit (BSSS). In: Amersfoort, H., R. Moelker, J.Soeters and D.M. Verweij (eds). Moral Responsibility and Military Effectiveness. NL Arms. Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies 2013. The Hague: Asser Press, pp. 217-241

– C.G. van Burken, The Non-neutrality of Technology: Pitfalls of Network-enabled Operations. Military Review, Volume 93 — May-June 2013, No.3, pp.39-47.


C.G. van Burken and M. J. de Vries, Extending the theory of normative practices: an application to two cases of networked military operations. Philosophia Reformata (2012), 77(2), pp 135-154.


– C.G. van Burken, Non-neutrality of mobile network technologies: the example of network controlled nuclear detection, In: Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Telecommunication Systems (ICTSM 2011) (Prague, Czech Republic, May 26-29, 2011) pp. 104-109.

– C.G. van Burken, Security in a Global Society: Towards an Alliance between Defence and Development. In: S. Strijbos, J. van der Stoep (eds), From Technology transfer to intercultural development (2011). Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers. pp. 93-104.

– C.G. van Burken, Valkuilen van genetwerkt optreden: een techniek-filosofische analyse. Militaire Spectator, (2011), 180(2), pp 77-86.

– C.G. van Burken, Complexities in Network Enabled Operations. In: Proceedings of the 16th Annual Working Conference of CPTS 2010, Maarssen, The Netherlands, May 2010 Interdisciplinary Research for Practices of Social Change, (2011), Roelien Goede, Leenta Grobler, Darek Haftor (eds.), CPTS: Maarssen pp. 66-84.


– C.G. van Burken, P. Essens (2010) Exploration of the ethical dimension of Network Enabled Operations: Toward a philosophical framework of analysis. In: Proceedings, 15th International Command & Control Research & Technology Symposium (ICCRTS 2010) (Santa Monica, CA, USA, June 22–24, 2010). (digital proceedings on CD).


– C.G. van Burken, ‘Military ethics and technology: Towards a Process Ethics for the Dutch Defence Organisation in the Dawn of Highly Technological War Scenario’s. In: Philosophy Put to Work proceedings of the 2007 working conference (2007) pp. 112- 124.


– W. Wilson, C.G. van Burken, C.C. van Donkelaar, P. Buma, B. van Rietbergen, R. Huiskes, Causes of mechanically induced collagen damage in articular cartilage. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 24.2 (2006) pp 220-228.