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Ethics and Technology
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Ethics and Technology


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Jan Peter Bergen

University of Twente
Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management
Ethics/Philosophy of Technology, Values, Technology and Innovation
Assistant professor


Jan Peter Bergen is currently an assistant professor at the TU Twente.

He was a lecturer in Ethics of Technology at TPM’s VTI department.

He received his doctorate from Delft University of Technology in 2017, after which he became a post-doctoral researcher into human-technology relations at the University of Twente until the end of 2019. Jan also holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Product Development and an MSc in Industrial Ecology.


Although I am currently focused on teaching, my research is centred around ethics and technology. More specifically, I am concerned with the way in which our interactions with technology shape us as moral subjects. As such, I am looking into the link between human-technology interactions and the development of moral skills and virtues, the peculiarities of alterity relations with technological others, and understanding the dynamics of technological agency in morally charged interactions.

Previously, Jan Bergen was a post-doc researcher at the University of Twente. Working on Prof. Peter-Paul Verbeek’s VICI project on Theorising Technological Mediation, he is focusing on the role of technology in conscious self-development and how to design such technologies in a more responsible manner.

Jan received his PhD from Delft University of Technology in 2017. His dissertation was concerned with the reversibility of nuclear energy technologies. His research focused both on national policy-making and on the phenomenological foundations of technological (ir)reversibility.

Jan has a Masters degree in Product Design and Innovation Management (University College of Antwerp) and an MSc in Industrial Ecology (Delft University of Technology).