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Ethics and Technology
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Ethics and Technology


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Jeroen van den Hoven

Delft University of Technology
Technology, Policy and Management
Full professor
+31 (0)15 27 88547
Visiting address:
Jaffalaan 5
Room B4.210
Post address:
P.O. Box 5015
2600 GA Delft
The Netherlands


Van den Hoven is Editor in Chief of Ethics and Information Technology (Springer) and Founding Chair of the CEPE conference (Computer Ethics Philosophical Enquiry). He is member of the editorial board of Information, Computers and Society (Routledge), Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society and consulting editor of Episteme. He is also member of the board of the International Society for Information Ethics (INSEIT). He has published numerous articles on ethics and ICT. An edited volume Information Technology and Moral Philosophy will be published by Cambridge University Press in 2007.

He is Editor in Chief of the Springer On-line Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics TERP (The Ethics Reference Project) with Seumas Miller and Thomas Pogge. Van den Hoven has received several grants from the Dutch Research Council on Ethics and Information Technology and related subjects. Van den Hoven is member of IST Advisory Group to EU Commissioner Reding for ICT and New Media. He has been advisor to the Dutch Government in various roles. He was member of a commission that studied the re-design of the population registration system in the Netherlands (Modernisering GBA), he was member of an ICT C@tshuis think tank of the Cabinet Wim Kok II (2000-2002), is a permanent member of a research network of the Home Office on E-Government, and was a member of a commission that evaluated wiretapping in accordance with art 13 of the Telecom Law in The Netherlands (established by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, 2004-2005). He has worked together with IT industry (a.o. SUN, IBM and Getronics).

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