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Seumas Miller

Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics
Full professor


Professor Seumas Miller is a Distinguished Research Fellow at the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics.

He was one of the directors of the Centre for Applied Ethics and Public Ethics (CAPPE) in Australia. He has joined 4TU.Ethics in June 2008. In the period 2008-2011 he devoted his research time equally between CAPPE and 4TU.Ethics. Miller is an internationally recognized expert on corruption, terrorism and police ethics. He will contribute to upcoming new projects of 4TU.Ethics on complex ethical questions in the area of war, terrorism and public security that are raised by new technologies, for example neuro enhancement technologies.

Seumas Miller is also Professor of Philosophy at Charles Sturt University and the Australian National University (joint position), Foundation Professor of Philosophy at Charles Sturt University (1994- ), and Foundation Director of the Centre for Applied Ethics and Public Ethics (CAPPE): An Australian Research Council funded Special Research Centre (2000-2007). He was Head of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Charles Sturt University 1994-1999.

His extensive publications include writings on social action and institutions, terrorism, and police ethics, including Social Action: A Teleological Account (Cambridge University Press, 2001) and Ethical Issue in Policing (with John Blackler) (Ashgate, 2006). His latest book is Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism: Ethics and Liberal Democracy (Blackwell, 2008). He has also been awarded numerous competitive grants and consultancies.

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