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Ethics and Technology


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Trijsje Franssen

Delft University of Technology
Technology, Policy and Management
Ethics and Philosophy of Technology
Assistant professor
Visiting address:
Room B3.350
Faculty of Technology
Policy and Management
Jaffalaan 5
2628 BX Delft


I am Assistant Professor in Ethics and Philosophy of Technology at TU Delft. I am particularly interested in emerging technologies, from bio- and information technology to quantum technologies.

Education: BA and MA Philosophy โ€“ as well as a BA Spanish โ€“ at the University of Amsterdam (cum laude). I obtained my PhD in Philosophy at the University of Exeter, UK (2014) on the โ€˜posthumanโ€™, human enhancement and myth.

Research interests: the human/technology relationship, (self)creation, the impact of emerging technologies on society and the many moral questions they raise. A central theme is the role of myth, (science) fiction and creativity in thinking and discussion about new technologies in society and education.

Currently, I am involved in several research projects:

โ€“ a post-doc at Leiden University (NWA grant) on the societal impact of quantum technologies, and particularly the potential of creative forms of public engagement with the topic.

โ€“ the COMET2.0. project (funded by 4TU.CEE) granted to my colleagues, for which we are investigating innovative methods of engineering ethics education at TU Delft.

โ€“ I also contributed to the Ethics Education for Engineers (SURF) project (2019/2021): a 4TU. Ethics collaboration to develop materials for ethics education for engineering students.

At TU Delft I teach a number of courses including Ethics and Engineering, Philosophy of Science and an honours course on science fiction and technological development.