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Ethics and Technology
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Ethics and Technology


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African Perspectives on Logic, Transhumanism and AI Ethics

Call for Papers and Special Issue Proposals
Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Ezumezu: African Perspectives on Logic, transhumanism and AI Ethics ( is a Diamond Open access journal and does not charge any publication fee. It is an indexed peer-reviewed journal (see

We are currently seeking paper submissions and special issue proposals that fall within the scope of logic, transhumanism and AI ethics from African philosophical perspectives. A comparative analysis of African philosophical perspectives on any of these areas with other philosophical traditions such as Western, Chinese or Indian philosophies, is also welcomed.

All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer review process (see Please submit your papers and Special issue proposals to the editor at  

Special issue proposals will be evaluated within four weeks and should contain:

1.      A 300/500-word synopsis of the topic of the proposed special issue.

2.      A short bio of the prospective guest editor(s).

3.      A list of the contributing authors (at least four) and their institutional affiliations.

4.      An expected date of submission.

 For more information about manuscript preparation and submission, please see