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Philosophy in the Wild 2025

Date/deadline: Sunday, 16 March 2025

Arthur, Maja, and Mike are enthusiastic to welcome Blake Francis (UMBC) as their keynote,  who will present "Remember Wildness: The Role of Memory in Environmental Ethics and Activism." Please consider applying and distribute as appropriate! 

Call for Abstracts

Philosophy in the Wild invites abstract submissions for presentations at our fifth annual conference, on the topic of Environmental Philosophy, broadly construed. Philosophy in the Wild conferences are motivated by the idea that a shift in environment can engender a shift in perspective. We theorize doing philosophy outside affords a new relation to the world and opens new avenues for philosophical thought. Check out our photos from past events!

Our conference takes place July 25-27, 2025, at Sideling Hill Creek State Park, MD. Sideling Hill Creek is one of Maryland's healthiest stream systems, and–for the plant nerds in the audience–is home to the rare harperella plant (Ptilimnium nodosum)! This event is a small, outdoor, wifi-free (i.e., low-tech) event focused on fostering philosophical community and engagement. We are open to a wide range of presentation types, including experimental presentations or other creative proposals. 

We are excited to host Blake Francis (University of Maryland, Baltimore County) as our keynote speaker! Blake will present, "Remember Wildness: The Role of Memory in Environmental Ethics and Activism."

 Topics may include, but are not exhausted by:

  • Environmental ethics; environmental aesthetics
  • Environmental political philosophy; environmental justice
  • Environment and capitalism
  • Postdevelopment and postcolonial theories
  • Philosophy of nature and metaphysics
  • New Materialisms
  • Environment and social identities; ecofeminism
  • Social ecology and ecoanarchism
  • Climate change; sustainability; future generations
  • Philosophy of environmental science, ecology, geology and related fields
  • Environment and technology
  • Urban ecology 
  • Environment and religion
  • Animal ethics and critical animal studies
  • Environment and human flourishing
  • Wilderness philosophy and rewilding

From July 25th-27th, 2025, participants will camp at Sideling Hill Creek State Park, MD, USA. Activities will include (though will not be limited to) presentations and discussions, debating the best way to pitch a tarp (mandatory) and hiking (optional). No prior camping experience is necessary.

 Please note that there will be a registration fee associated with participation in this conference to cover food and campsite costs. Philosophy in the Wild has some camping gear to lend out on a first-come, first served basis; once this runs out we will work with participants to help arrange gear rentals if needed, the cost of which may be added to the registration fee. Please contact us with questions about accessibility.

 Abstracts should be approximately 500 words. Please submit your abstract in .pdf format, prepared for anonymous review, to In the body of the email, please include your name, university affiliation, and paper title. Submissions from members of underrepresented groups in philosophy are especially encouraged. 

Depending on interest, there may be an opportunity to publish selected papers in the Public Philosophy Journal's Philosophy in the Wild collection. The current collection can be seen here:

Deadline for submissions: March 16, 2025
Decisions announced: April 30, 2025
Date of conference: July 25-27, 2025


Organizers: Maja Sidzińska (Penn), Mike Gadomski (Coastal Carolina), Arthur Obst (Princeton)