Part of the
Ethics and Technology
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Ethics and Technology


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


The ethical consequences of converging technologies

Tsjalling Swierstra

The project was concerned with the ethical consequences of converging technologies and resulted in a book. Main questions answered in the book are:

  1. To what degree do converging technologies disturb the existing symbolic order?
  2. To what degree does this make the assesment of the desirability of such convergence processes more difficult?
  3. Which problems and controversies will public policy have to face as a consequence of these converging technologies?

Goals of the book are:

  • to make a large audience aware of the importance of converging technologies
  • to make people aware these technologies may have a disturbing effect on the existing symbolic order
  • to enable people to think about these consequences in an early stage and debate about them
  • to make policy makers already in an early stage aware of problems and controversies that require a (legal) solution
  • more theoretical: to contribute to the theory and practice of Technology Assesment, by explicitly also taking into account the possible consequences of new technologies on existing morality

The book will be in Dutch only.