Part of the
Green Sensors
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Green Sensors


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61



14 May 2024
4TU.GreenSensors: 2nd project meeting
The 4TU.GreenSensors project organized its 2nd meeting on 22 April, 2024, at the TUDelft campus. Following up on the kick-off meeting held in September 2023, the focus of the 2nd meeting was primarily on explicitly defining the project’s goal while leveraging the diverse expertises involved, which was initially recognized as a challenge.
27 Sep 2023
4TU Green Sensors Project Kick-off meeting
Experts in agricultural engineering, robotics, and microelectronics gathered at Wageningen University for the kick-off meeting of the 4TU Green Sensors project.
15 Jun 2023
Green Sensors Showcased in the 4TU HTSF Crossover Event
On June 9, the 4TU federation hosted the High Tech for a Sustainable Future (HTSF) Crossover event, bringing together brilliant minds from HTFS Round 1 and Round 2. Scientists shared captivating insights into their groundbreaking work, igniting discussions about the impact on society and envisioning a sustainable future. Green Sensors, as one of the projects receiving funding in Round 2,  whose members actively participated in this noteworthy event.
24 Apr 2023
Green soil sensor towards sustainable future smart agriculture: Introduces 4TU Green Sensor Project at ICT Open 2023
On April 21, 2023, Congcong Sun, assistant professor at Farm Technology Group, gave a presentation about the 4TU Green Sensors project in the 4TU.NIRICT section, aims to leverage the synergy among ICT disciplines toward top-quality ICT research, of ICT Open 2023.