14 Jul 2023
Novel haemodialysis filter that decreases chances of cardiovascular disease
Professor Dimitros Stamatialis from the University of Twente has designed a more compact and affordable haemodialysis filter, in collaboration with the Dutch Kidney Foundation (Nierstichting)
5 Jul 2023
Advanced wearables for the monitoring of sleep disorders, with better algorithms and deep learning
TU/e researchers, along with colleagues from Sleep Medicine Center Kempenhaeghe, and Philips within e/MTIC have used deep learning and designed an advanced wearable for patients with sleep disorders
27 Jun 2023
Innovative Health Initiative grant of EUR 24 million to improve cancer treatments
Innovative Health Initiative grant of EUR 24 million to improve cancer treatments
6 Jun 2023
Research for and with people with Rheumatism: Citizen science for self-management
Rheumatism is widespread in the Netherlands with nearly 2 million people suffering with some form of the disease. Researchers from Enschede and Twente started REIS (Reuma En Ik: Self management) to find answers.
1 May 2023
Ultrasound Guidance in Perioperative Care by TU Eindhoven
Harm Scholten from TU Eindhoven defended his PhD thesis at the department of Electrical Engineering on April 20th.
21 Apr 2023 - Source: dvdp.nl
New position paper of the TechMed Centre
A new updated version of the TechMed Centre position paper is available online. This position paper is the result of an intensive update process.
18 Apr 2023 - Source: Jarno Verhoef
Medical sensors are 'the canary in the mine'
Medical sensors are 'the canary in the mine'
24 Mar 2023
Finale 4TU.Health poster competition: Three prizes for the best posters
On Thursday 23 March, three prizes were awarded during the finale of the digital 4TU.Health poster competition. This poster competition is part of the 4TU.Health collaboration. PhD students in the field of health and technology were challenged to present their research in an open, engaging way. All participants were given the opportunity to briefly present their poster and view other posters. The winning PhD student may use the prize to visit another TU or set up research together with another TU. This is the first year that this PhD competition is being organized within 4TU.Health.
13 Feb 2023
UT neemt deel aan EU-project voor ontwikkeling kunstmatige placenta-systeem
Wereldwijd sterven jaarlijks ongeveer twee miljoen pasgeborenen. Meestal is dit het gevolg van fataal longfalen, soms in combinatie met nierfalen. Samen met partners uit de academische wereld en het bedrijfsleven uit Nederland, Duitsland, Zweden, Ierland en Canada willen TechMed-onderzoekers Jutta Arens en Dimitrios Stamatialis een nieuw kunstmatig placentasysteem, de ArtPlac, ontwikkelen. Hiervoor kregen ze een EIC Pathfinder-subsidie.
10 Feb 2023
Hoe gezonde voeding het risico op kanker verkleint
Door gezond te eten en genoeg te bewegen kunnen mensen de kans op verschillende soorten kanker verkleinen. Wageningse onderzoekers verdiepen zich in de relatie tussen voeding en kanker.
10 Feb 2023 - Source: Photo: Catherina Hospital
Smart patch takes time-consuming work of nurses
The research project is a collaboration of TU/e, Catharina Hospital and Philips within e/MTIC.
10 Feb 2023
‘Cardiologen denken hetzelfde, een ingenieur kijkt anders naar het probleem’
Samenwerking technische onderzoekers en cardiologen
8 Feb 2023 - Source: Photo: Huib Visser
Wireless power makes blind people see again
Tom van Nunen defended his thesis at the department of Electrical Engineering of the TU Eindhoven on February 8th, 2023
13 Jan 2023 - Source: Pixabay
STAR-interview: de opkomst van menselijke miniatuur hart modellen, Heart-On-Chips
In dit STAR-interview is Prof. Dr. Robert Passier aan het woord van de Faculteit TNW. STAR is een acroniem voor (S)ituatie, (T)aken, (A)cties en (R)esultaten. Aan de UT werken veel âstarsâ met een verhaal. Robert Passier werkt aan miniatuur menselijke hartmodellen, heart-on-chips.
9 Jan 2023
Nutrition based on own metabolism makes people healthier
For the first time there is scientific evidence that a personalized diet, based on a person's metabolic profile, leads to better health.