From now on, the four universities of technology in the Netherlands are combining their knowledge and expertise in the field of medical & health technology in a new 4TU centre: 4TU.Health. The ambition for this centre is to be a strategic discussion partner in the field of health and care with regard to designing solutions for tomorrow’s health & care challenges. Technology is one of the keys in solutions for ensuring our healthcare remains sufficiently staffed and affordable.
Interdisciplinary cooperation
The four universities of technology are working hard to develop innovative healthcare-related solutions. For example robots that can take over heavy lifting tasks from nurses, non-invasive operation equipment that causes less pain to the patient, AI-driven diagnostic techniques and e-health technology for broad prevention.
For these innovative solutions to be accepted by patients and care providers and for implementation in daily practice, it is vital that all stakeholders are involved right from the start of the development process. Only together can they ensure that technology for (personalized) health and healthcare is effective as well as affordable.
Joining forces
4TU.Health is the point of contact for technical aspects of issues surrounding health and care. The centre is a strategic discussion partner for governments, health funds and other parties who are financing and driving innovations in the health & care sector.
The cooperation is of great benefit to the four universities of technology. ‘’Working together in this way enables us to combine the technical knowledge of four relevant players and makes us a serious partner in discussions,” says Nico Verdonschot (University of Twente), chair of 4TU.Health.
For this reason, 4TU.Health has also been involved as a partner since the beginning of the Dutch CardioVascular Alliance (DCVA). By coordinating with all relevant parties within the DCVA on research, valorisation, talent and implementation, 4TU.Health is able to make a contribution to reducing the cardiovascular health burden.
MedTech Nederland and Growth Fund
Collaboration within 4TU.Health has enabled the four universities of technology to work together on a large MedTechNL proposal for the Dutch National Growth Fund. Again, with many other public and private partners.