Part of the
History of Technology
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
History of Technology

4TU Federation

+31(0)6  1423 7775



9 apr 2024
Call for Proposals European Social Science History Conference 2025
The 15th European Social Science History Conference 2025 (26-29 March) is organized by the IISH/IISG in co-operation with Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands 0.
9 apr 2024
Podcast Erik van der Vleuten: Waarom ons stikstof-probleem ooit juist een oplossing was
De Universiteit van Nederland heeft een podcast van Erik van der Vleuten gepubliceerd over het stikstofprobleem.
10 feb 2024
15 February Lecture TU-Delft: Surface And Underground Archives
15 February 2024 – 17.30-19.00: TU-Delft - Berlage Room 1 - Julianalaan 134, 2628 BL Delft
16 jan 2024
INTERVIEW | Erik van der Vleuten and Jan Korsten about the plans of the new 4TU.History of Technology centre
As of 1 January, a new centre has been added to the 4TU.Federation: 4TU.History of Technology. The centre aims to boost the discipline of history of technology. 4TU spoke to scientific director Erik van der Vleuten and managing director Jan Korsten about their plans and motivation. ''Historical awareness of the roles that technology and engineers have played in addressing past societal challenges is important and will be helpful in thinking about solutions to the societal challenges we face today and in the future.''
16 jan 2024
Start of new 4TU centre for History of Technology
From January 2024, the four technical universities are pooling their knowledge and expertise in the field of the history of technology in 4TU.History of Technology. The new centre aims to provide students, engineers and the wider audience with a historical awareness of the role that technology and engineers played in societal transitions in the past two centuries, as well as to develop working methods that makes such knowledge actionable today.