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High-Tech Materials
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
High-Tech Materials


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4TU.HTM News

News on the developments within the 4TU research centre High-Tech Materials
19 Jun 2024
Critical questions regarding sustainable solutions
The closure event of the 4TU. Responsible Sustainabality Challenge 2023-2024 took place in the amazing Botanic Gardens of Utrecht University, on the 19th of June 2024. Master Honours student groups presented their work and got certificated. The event festively marked their 15 ECTS challenge.
28 May 2024
Kick-off next4TU.HTM Committee
On Friday 26th of April, the 4TU.Centre High-Tech Materials took a next step in its organisation and installed a fresh board to build and serve a thriving, diverse and inclusive materials science community. The next4TU.HTM Committee consists of two representatives of each of the universities collaborating within 4TU.HTM.
27 May 2024
Milestone events of the 4TU.Responsible Sustainability Challenge
On the 7th of May, 4TU.HTM and the Honours Programme TU Delft hosted the third live event of the 4TU.Responsible Sustainability Challenge (2023-2024). This milestone event included an introduction by core team teacher Shoshan Abrahami (Materials Science and Engineering, TU Delft) and Arjan Mol (Scientific Director of 4TU.HTM), who told the students about the mission and vision of 4TU.HTM and the role that materials play in the transition to a more sustainable future.
14 Feb 2024 - Source: Rijks Innovatie Community
Materials in the Nationaal Groeifonds
This week, the ‘Groeien met Groen Staal’ programme received official approval, just like the materials related programmes on Circular Plastics, Solar Panels, and Batteries received previously.
20 Jan 2024
Register now | Role of Machine Learning in Molecular Discovery
Keynote speaker: Max Welling | 4TU.HTM organizes a joint workshop integrating applications in material discovery into machine learning frameworks. Key challenges are the prediction of crystal structures, the discovery of stable functional molecules, and the rational material design process.
21 Nov 2023
MaterialenNL Conference | Interview with Prof. Arjan Mol
Prof. Arjan Mol elaborates on the importance of materials in the Netherlands, and shares with you why he is going to the MaterialenNL Conference, Papendal, Arnhem, 12 December 2023.
21 Nov 2023 - Source: Amplify EventMarketing
MaterialenNL Conference, Papendal (Arnhem), 12 December 2023
The MaterialenNL Platform organized its first national materials conference. On the 12th of December 2023, the MaterialenNL Conference 2023 was held at the National Sports Centre Papendal, Arnhem.
2 Nov 2023
Arjan Mol appointed fellow Netherlands Academy of Engineering
The Netherlands Academy of Engineering (NAE) highlights the significance of technological innovation with the designation of 62 fellows (members). These experts, originating from the realms of engineering, applied research, and innovation, will play an active role in fulfilling NAE’s mission. Their primary objective is to cultivate an environment of innovation that yields both societal and economic value by furnishing engineering-based solutions to major societal issues, concurrently creating fresh business prospects and avenues for export. The appointment of these 62 fellows marks the formal commencement of NAE’s activities.
21 Aug 2023
Additive Manufacturing of Energy Materials - Register now!
On 18 October 2023, the first symposium Additive Manufacturing of Energy Materials will take place at the U Parkhotel (University of Twente) in Enschede. This symposium is a joint 4TU.HTM & M2i initiative in collaboration with the University of Groningen.
22 Jun 2023
Final event 4TU.Responsible Sustainability Challenge
On the 22nd of June 2023, the talented master students participating in the 4TU.Responsible Sustainability Challenge got their certificates of the academic year 2022-2023, after presenting their project results. Congratulations!
6 Jun 2023
Looking back at the 4TU.RSC live event
Since the Kick-off in November, the 4TU.Responsible Sustainability Challenge (4TU.RSC) is taking place, an initiative of three centres of the 4TU.Federation: 4TU.High-Tech Materials, 4TU.Energy and 4TU.Ethics & Technology. It is a 15 ECTS Honours track for motivated and talented master students from the four Technical Universities. Using a Challenge Based Learning approach, they work with industrial partners, researchers, and societal stakeholders on a case involving sustainability. The focus of these cases is on energy, materials, and ethics.
26 Apr 2023
Royal Decoration for Prof. Jilt Sietsma
The royal honour was conferred in recognition of Prof. Jilt Sietsma’s exceptional contribution to science, industry and society.
21 Feb 2023
Kick-off collaboration between 4TU.Centres and UG institutes
In order to make better use of each other's expertise and network, a number of the centres and institutes of the 4TU.Federation and the University of Groningen (UG) will join forces in research and teaching. The UG will become a partner of the 4TU.NIRICT (ICT) and 4TU.HTM (High-Tech Materials) centres and is exploring cooperation with the 4TU.AMI (Applied Mathematics), 4TU.Energy and 4TU.CEE (Engineering Education) centres. 
20 Feb 2023
Steel for Sustainability, 31 March 2023
The Department Materials Science and Engineering of TU Delft invites its academic, industrial and societal partners for its symposium Steef for Sustainability, Delft (Prinsenhof), 31 March 2023
9 Feb 2023
Louis de Smet appointed professor of Advanced Interfaces & Materials (WUR)
The Executive Board of Wageningen University & Research has appointed Louis de Smet as personal professor of Advanced Interfaces & Materials (AIM), part of the Organic Chemistry chair group. De Smet has been affiliated with this chair group since 2016 and leads a research group there, that focuses on recognising and selecting ions and small molecules. He and his team are working on separating certain ions or molecules, which is for example relevant for recovering valuable substances from waste water. Since 2017, De Smet has also been affiliated with Wetsus, a research institute for sustainable water technology.