Part of the
High-Tech Materials
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
High-Tech Materials


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


4TU.HTM News

News on the developments within the 4TU research centre High-Tech Materials
26 Apr 2023
Royal Decoration for Prof. Jilt Sietsma
The royal honour was conferred in recognition of Prof. Jilt Sietsma’s exceptional contribution to science, industry and society.
21 Feb 2023
Kick-off collaboration between 4TU.Centres and UG institutes
In order to make better use of each other's expertise and network, a number of the centres and institutes of the 4TU.Federation and the University of Groningen (UG) will join forces in research and teaching. The UG will become a partner of the 4TU.NIRICT (ICT) and 4TU.HTM (High-Tech Materials) centres and is exploring cooperation with the 4TU.AMI (Applied Mathematics), 4TU.Energy and 4TU.CEE (Engineering Education) centres. 
20 Feb 2023
Steel for Sustainability, 31 March 2023
The Department Materials Science and Engineering of TU Delft invites its academic, industrial and societal partners for its symposium Steef for Sustainability, Delft (Prinsenhof), 31 March 2023
9 Feb 2023
Louis de Smet appointed professor of Advanced Interfaces & Materials (WUR)
The Executive Board of Wageningen University & Research has appointed Louis de Smet as personal professor of Advanced Interfaces & Materials (AIM), part of the Organic Chemistry chair group. De Smet has been affiliated with this chair group since 2016 and leads a research group there, that focuses on recognising and selecting ions and small molecules. He and his team are working on separating certain ions or molecules, which is for example relevant for recovering valuable substances from waste water. Since 2017, De Smet has also been affiliated with Wetsus, a research institute for sustainable water technology.
25 Jan 2023
Soft Matter & Self-Assembly
On Thursday 19 January 2023, 4TU.HTM organized a Joint Workshop on Soft Matter & Self-Assembly. We invited scientists with interest and expertise in soft matter including its assembly, to exchange knowledge, and explore ways of collaboration. We are looking back at an inspiring, interactive and fruitful event with presentations and pictures on the website of the Joint Workshop on Soft Matter & Self-Assembly. Thanks to the speakers for their excellent talks, and to the chairs for the introduction and for moderating the plenary discussions. For anyone who has questions on this topic and wants to reach out to the speakers for more information or collaboration, please contact Reina Boerrigter (Coordinator 4TU.HTM).
13 Dec 2022
Ferdinand Grozema new board member NWO Domain Science
The NWO Domain Science Board welcomes two new board members, Peter van Bodegom and Ferdinand Grozema, member of the management team of 4TU.High-Tech Materials. The NWO Executive Board ratified their nominations on 17 November 2022. Both members will start on 1 January 2023.
21 Nov 2022
Kick-off 4TU.Responsible Sustainability Challenge
The next seven months, the 4TU.Responsible Sustainability Challenge (4TU.RSC) is taking place, an initiative of three centres of the 4TU.Federation: 4TU.High-Tech Materials, 4TU.Energy and 4TU.Ethics & Technology. It is an Honours track intended for motivated and talented master students from the four Technical Universities. Using a Challenge Based Learning approach, they will work with industrial partners, researchers, and societal stakeholders on a case involving sustainability. The focus of these cases is on energy, materials, and ethics.
4 Nov 2022
M2i & 4TU.HTM Business Awareness Course 2023 - Register now!
25 Oct 2022
Register now: Joint Workshop on Soft Matter & Self-Assembly, 19 January 2023
26 Aug 2022
Interview with EFC medal winner Arjan Mol
The August 2022 issue of the Newsletter of the European Federation of Corrosion (EFC) features an interview with prof. Arjan Mol, winner of the prestigious European Corrosion Medal 2022.
24 Aug 2022
Advanced Materials Characterisation at M2i Meeting Materials 2022, 13 December
11 Jul 2022
Marc Geers visited nine universities in the Midwest
The Midwest Mechanics Seminar is a longstanding seminar series where outstanding researchers from around the world (outside the midwest), working in the broad areas of fluid and solid mechanics, are invited to present their research at several midwestern universities in the United States. The series has been held every year since 1958 except for 1983 and 2020.
2 Jun 2022
Arjan Mol winner European Corrosion Medal 2022
Arjan Mol, Professor of Corrosion Technology and Electrochemistry at Delft University of Technology’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Scientific Director of the 4TU.Centre High-Tech Materials, has been awarded the prestigious European Corrosion Medal 2022 for his work on corrosion. As former President of the European Federation of Corrosion (EFC), Arjan Mol is praised not only for his exceptional expertise in metal surface characterisation and modification, local electrochemical surface activity analysis and in situ interfacial bonding studies, but also for his personal enthusiasm for coaching younger generations of corrosionists, his long-lasting and ongoing service to the EFC in various leading positions, as well as leading his cutting-edge scientific research. Read the complete news item at the TU Delft website.
13 May 2022
Marc Geers (TU/e) newly elected KNAW member
The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) has elected 22 new members. Academy members, leading researchers from across all the disciplines, are selected for their scientific and scholarly achievements. The Academy has about 600 members who are appointed for life.
10 Mar 2022
Louis de Smet (Wageningen University & Research) receives NWO Vici grant
4TU.HTM management team member Louis de Smet of Wageningen University & Research has been awarded an NWO Vici grant for his research proposal on efficient and selective water desalination.