Part of the
High-Tech Materials
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
High-Tech Materials


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


4TU.HTM News

News on the developments within the 4TU research centre High-Tech Materials
14 Nov 2019
Call for Funding Requests
All 4TU researchers in the broad field of materials science who are seeking ways to collaborate can apply for 4TU.HTM funding for Joint Materials Science Activities. In 2019-2021 4TU.HTM has a budget of k€ 25 per year for joint initiatives.
10 Oct 2019
Inaugural lecture Appointed Professor Ilja Voets (TU/e)
On February 1, 2018 Ilja Voets was appointed full-time professor in the field of Self-Organizing Soft Matter at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry of Eindhoven University of Technology. She is giving her inaugural lecture on October 25, 2019, in the Blauwe Zaal of the Auditorium (TU/e), at 4 PM.
12 Jul 2019
4TU.HTM research programme in Innovative Materials
Volume (3) of the digital magazine Innovative Materials (3, 2019) features an article by dr. Maciek Kopeć (University of Twente, currently University of Bath), in cooperation with prof. Julius Vancso (UT) and prof. Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (Carnegie Mellon University). The Dutch version has been written in cooperation with Mark Beerstra and dr. Joost Duvigneau from the research group Materials Science and Technology of Polymers (UT). 'Control of Molecular Structure and Function for Designer Polymers' (Pdf) by Maciek Kopeć (UT). [Innovative Materials, 2019, 3, pp. 24-28]
15 Apr 2019
Inaugural speech prof. Arjan Mol (TU Delft)
On Wednesday 17 April 2019, Arjan Mol, professor Corrosion Technology and Electrochemistry at the department Materials Science and Engineering, 3mE, Delft University of Technology, gave his inaugural speech.
1 Apr 2019
Joint Workshop on Nucleation
On Monday 1 April 2019, the 4TU.Research Centre High-Tech Materials (4TU.HTM) and the Materials Innovation Institute (M2i) Joint Workshop on Nucleation was held in Utrecht (De Witte Vosch). Here one can find some pictures. Introduction by Jilt Sietsma, scientific director of 4TU.HTM
18 Mar 2019
Interviews with Joris Sprakel, appointed professor WUR
Starting 1 March 2019, Joris Sprakel has been appointed professor Physical Chemistry and Soft Matter at Wageningen UR.
14 Mar 2019
Machtige Materialen
At the Universiteit van Nederland you can watch - in Dutch - five online classes on smart materials by materials scientists at Delft University of Technology and Eindhoven University of Technology.
20 Mar 2018
Research Data Management within the 4TU.Research Centres
The 4TU.Centre for Research Data announces its report on research data management within the 4TU.Research Centres.
26 Feb 2018
Dutch Materials 2018
The 4TU.HTM annual symposium took place in Utrecht (Jaarbeurs, Beatrix building) on Friday 12 October 2018. Here you can find pictures and Pdf files of posters and presentations. Full programme: Dutch Materials 2018 (Pdf file)
1 Feb 2018
4TU.High-Tech Materials search tool
The new 4TU.HTM web application makes it easy to find materials scientists and research groups within 4TU: the University of Twente, Delft University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology and Wageningen UR. 
13 Oct 2017
4TU.HTM Dutch Materials 2017
This is a report of the third 4TU.HTM annual Symposium 'Dutch Materials' with pictures and Pdf files of posters and presentations.
13 Oct 2017
New web application 4TU.HTM
At this year's annual symposium Dutch Materials 2017 4TU.HTM has launched a new web application which makes it easy to find materials scientists and research groups within 4TU: the University of Twente, Delft University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology and Wageningen UR. 
8 Nov 2016
4TU.HTM annual symposium Dutch Materials 2016
This is a report of the second 4TU.HTM annual Symposium 'Dutch Materials' with pictures and Pdf files of posters and presentations.
5 Jul 2016
'Je moet het spul wel kunnen maken'
'Je moet het spul wel kunnen maken' (Pdf, 7 MB) Binnen de polymeerchemie geldt Krzysztof Matyjaszewski als belangrijke kanshebber op een Nobelprijs. De komende jaren spijkert hij de 3TU-federatie van technische universiteiten bij. ‘Zonder fundamenteel werk kun je nooit grote stappen vooruit zetten.’ (C2W, Arjen Dijkgraaf, 9 May 2016) | Prof. Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (Carnegie Mellon University) is the international expert within the 4TU.HTM research project 'From Flatland to Spaceland' (project leaders: prof. Julius Vancso (UT) and prof. Bert de With (TU/e)). For that reason he was visiting the Netherlands in February 2016. He has been giving lectures at the University of Twente and at Eindhoven University of Technology.
29 Apr 2016
4TU.HTM at Materials 2016
The 4TU research centre High-Tech Materials participated in Materials 2016, the trade fair and conference in Veldhoven, 20-21 April 2016. At this event professionals who are involved in studying, choosing, applying, processing and finishing materials, had the change to meet, to talk, to network, and to learn. 4TU.HTM was an exhibitor at stand #53 with the following materials: