Part of the
High-Tech Materials
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
High-Tech Materials


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


4TU.HTM News

News on the developments within the 4TU research centre High-Tech Materials
6 Dec 2021
Prof. Arjan Mol, nieuwe wetenschappelijk directeur 4TU.HTM Arjan Mol (Technische Universiteit Delft) is per 1 januari 2022 de nieuwe wetenschappelijk directeur van het 4TU-centrum High-Tech Materials (4TU.HTM). Hij volgt in deze functie Jilt Sietsma op. Sietsma was een van de initiatiefnemers van 4TU.HTM en heeft het centrum sinds de start in 2014 geleid.
22 Nov 2021
Developing steel more quickly using DENS 3D models
The latest 3D model for developing new types of steel has been presented at the Digitally Enhanced New Steel Product Development (DENS) research programme half-yearly event. Researchers from TU Delft, Eindhoven University of Technology, the University of Twente, and the Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung in Düsseldorf have spent the past three years working on the model. Each of the phases involved in the production of steel now can be simulated in the model. The ultimate aim is to develop the ideal steel - strong and easy to deform.
19 Nov 2021
4TU.HTM organizes a session on Metamaterials at the M2i Meeting Materials conference
12 Nov 2021
Materials Science & Engineering Colloquium Series, University of Twente
The Materials Science & Engineering Colloquium Series provides a platform for all those who are interested in materials science, whether you are a student, researcher at MESA+, faculty member, or working in industry. During each session, a challenging case will be presented by an expert, for example from industry. All cases are based on a realistic problem where a solution was found by combining existing materials science knowledge and new insights through an experimental or materials system model approach.
16 Sep 2021
Retirement Sybrand van der Zwaag
On 16 September 2021 Sybrand van der Zwaag, head of the Novel Aerospace Materials group, will retire. He joined the TU Delft in 1992 when he became full professor Microstructural Control in Metals at the faculty Chemical Engineering and Materials Science (later being part of TNW). In 2004 he joined the faculty of Aerospace Engineering to set-up the Novel Aerospace Materials group.
10 Mar 2021
NWO Perspective Programme for 4TU materials scientists
Two 4TU materials scientists at the University of Twente and their consortia will launch a research programme as part of the NWO Perspective programme. By ‘Reducing CO2 emissions by making vehicles lighter’ (ENLIGHTEN) and through ‘Better separation technology for the reuse of raw materials’ (ReCoVr). 
1 Mar 2021
4TU.HTM News on Twitter
Also check Twitter for news, vacancies, events and activities related to materials science within the 4TU (TU Delft, UTwente, TU/e & WUR).
23 Oct 2020
Dr. Marcel Sluiter appointed professor Ghent University
As of 14 February 2020, dr. Marcel Sluiter has been appointed visiting professor in the Department of Electromechanical, Systems and Metal Engineering within the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture at Ghent University. He will conduct academic education and research in the field of Microstructures of Materials.
3 Jul 2020
Innovative Materials, a series of 4TU.HTM articles
The series of articles on the 4TU.HTM research programme 'New Horizons in Designer Materials' (2016-2019) in the digital magazine Innovative Materials is complete now. Read all six articles here! Also available on this website, both in Dutch and in English. [Header picture: Danqing Liu by Ernst de Groot]
6 May 2020
Im Memoriam Pim Groen
On Wednesday 6 May 2020, Pim Groen, professor and chairman of Aerospace Structures and Materials (TU Delft), passed away.
22 Apr 2020
Im Memoriam Barend Thijsse
In the early morning of 22 April 2020, our dear former colleague professor Barend Thijsse passed away after a short illness as a result of lung cancer. Barend was 69 years old.
9 Jan 2020
Inaugural speech prof. Joris Sprakel (WUR) - 20-02-2020 Joris Sprakel is appointed professor of Physical Chemistry and Soft Matter at Wageningen University and Research.
14 Nov 2019
Call for Funding Requests
All 4TU researchers in the broad field of materials science who are seeking ways to collaborate can apply for 4TU.HTM funding for Joint Materials Science Activities. In 2019-2021 4TU.HTM has a budget of k€ 25 per year for joint initiatives.
10 Oct 2019
Inaugural lecture Appointed Professor Ilja Voets (TU/e)
On February 1, 2018 Ilja Voets was appointed full-time professor in the field of Self-Organizing Soft Matter at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry of Eindhoven University of Technology. She is giving her inaugural lecture on October 25, 2019, in the Blauwe Zaal of the Auditorium (TU/e), at 4 PM.
12 Jul 2019
4TU.HTM research programme in Innovative Materials
Volume (3) of the digital magazine Innovative Materials (3, 2019) features an article by dr. Maciek Kopeć (University of Twente, currently University of Bath), in cooperation with prof. Julius Vancso (UT) and prof. Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (Carnegie Mellon University). The Dutch version has been written in cooperation with Mark Beerstra and dr. Joost Duvigneau from the research group Materials Science and Technology of Polymers (UT). 'Control of Molecular Structure and Function for Designer Polymers' (Pdf) by Maciek Kopeć (UT). [Innovative Materials, 2019, 3, pp. 24-28]