4TU.HTM Neutron Diffraction Workshop at the TU Delft Reactor Institute
The TU Delft Reactor Institute hosts its first 4TU.HTM Neutron Diffraction Workshop for PhD students and early career researchers.
This workshop aims to foster and train the Dutch materials research community in the application of neutron diffraction. The workshop includes education and hands-on training, providing comprehensive knowledge on neutron scattering and diffraction, from fundamental principles to advanced applications.
Topics and hands-on training
Topics to be covered are:
- the basics of neutron scattering (techniques, theory, and instrumentation)
- powder diffraction (principles, applications, and analysis methods)
- pair distribution function (PDF) techniques (investigating disordered, amorphous and liquid materials using diffraction techniques and extracting structural information via PDF)
- magnetic neutron diffraction (overview and relevance to magnetic studies)
- Rietveld refinement (introduction, applications in crystallographic analysis, and best practices)
Moreover, the participants will be provided with hands-on training in:
- X-Ray Diffraction (data collection and interpretation)
- Neutron Diffraction (practical experience with real and simulated data)
- Neutrons as a tool (FISH and Test beamline)
Of course, interactive and social sessions are also foreseen: short presentations, poster sessions, facility tour, lunches, a bbq, and other gatherings.