This is a report of the second 4TU.HTM annual Symposium 'Dutch Materials' with pictures and Pdf files of posters and presentations.
Dutch Materials 2016
Programme (Pdf file)
On Thursday 13 October 2016, the 4TU.HTM community with about 60 senior and junior researchers in the field of materials science and engineering from TU Delft, TU Eindhoven, UTwente and WUR, gathered in Utrecht (Jaarbeurs). The programme consisted of two lecture sessions and a poster session. Jilt Sietsma (TU Delft), the scientific director of 4TU.HTM, welcomed the audience and started the day introducing the goals and ambitions of the 4TU.HTM research centre again, in particular to the new colleagues from Wageningen. One of the biggest aims is to collaborate, also with Wageningen.
Presentation Jilt Sietsma (Pdf file)
Jilt Sietsma introduces the idea for a joint workshop on Phase transformations in chocolate and steel.
Materials at the atomic scale
Prof.dr. Herbert Urbassek
Physics Department, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Title: Atomistic simulations in materials science: nanoplasticity and phase transformations
Herbert Urbassek talks about Atomistic simulations in materials science.
Prof.dr. Paul Koenraad
Applied Physics, Photonics and Semiconductor Nanophysics, Eindhoven University of Technology
Title: 3D material characterisation at the atomic scale by Atom Probe Tomography
Key note speaker Paul Koenraad arrives.
Paul Koenraad talks on Atom Probe Tomography.
Bio- and bio-inspired materials
Prof.dr. Thomas Scheibel
Chair of the Department for Biomaterials, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Title: Structural proteins: Self- Assembling Biopolymers for Various Applications
Thomans Scheibel talks about self-assembling biopolymers.
Thomas Scheibel explains the properties of spider silk: material inspired by nature.
Other speakers on bio- and bio-inspired materials:
- Lione Willems, M.Sc. (PhD student)
Wageningen UR, Agrotechnology and Food Science, Physical Chemistry and Soft Matter
Title: Designing artificial virus capsid proteins
Lione Willems speaks on bio-inspired protein polymers
- dr. Lukasz Poltorak (Postdoc)
TU Delft, Chemical Engineering, Organic Materials & Interfaces Lab
Title: Lipid bilayers formed on silicon supported polyelectrolyte multilayers
Presentation Lukasz Poltorak (Pdf file)
The presentation of Lukasz Poltorak is about lipid bylayers.
- Bas van Bochove, M.Sc. (PhD student)
University of Twente, Biomaterials Science and Technology (BST), Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine
Title: Biodegradable polymer networks and scaffolds prepared by stereolithography
Bas van Bochove talks on biodegradable polymers
Poster session
During the poster session developments within the 4TU.HTM research programme New Horizons in Designer Materials were presented.
Other posters were presented as well: Poster titles Dutch Materials 2016 (Pdf file)
Poster titles 'New Horizons in Designer Materials'
- Dr. Priscilla Brandão Silva (TU/e): The fascinating dynamics of acoustic metamaterials with nonlinear local resonators (4TU.HTM project 'Metamaterials with tunable dynamical properties')
The work by Priscilla Brandão Silva (TU/e) “shows that acoustic metamaterials with nonlinear local resonant inclusions may possess superb features, such as: tunability, multistability and nonreciprocity, and thus have potential applications in surface acoustic wave sensors, acoustic imaging, energy harvesting, and structural health monitoring.”
Priscilla Brandão Silva is discussing her poster with TU/e colleague Marc Geers.
- Dr. Maciek Kopeć (UT): Towards Advanced, 3-Dimensional Materials Bottom-Up, from Polymer Decorated Nano- and Microstructures
Maciek Kopeć introduces his poster.
- Dr. Danqing Liu (TU/e): Morphing surfaces in ordered polymer networks (4TU.HTM project 'Communicating Surfaces')
Poster Danqing Liu (Pdf file)
Danqing Liu introduces her poster.
- Dr. Joe Patterson (TU/e): Understanding structure formation in hierarchical hybrid materials through in situ liquid phase microscopies
Joe Patterson and his interactive poster presentation (including movies).
- Dr. René Poelma (TU Delft): Characterization and multi-scale modelling of nanofoam materials for qubit integration at cryogenic temperatures (4TU.HTM project 'Superconducting Carbon Nanotubes composite as Vertical Interconnect for Qubit Integration at Cryogenic Temperature')
“The porous nature of carbon nanotube array microstructures gives us the unique opportunity to tailor material properties and functionality by the infiltration and deposition of superconducting nanoscale conformal coatings.”
René Poelma introduces his poster.
- Dr. Nicholas B. Tito (TU/e): Cell targeting and switch-like surface binding with multivalent particles (4TU.HTM project 'Reversible Crosslinking')
Nick Tito (TU/e) "uses theory and simulation to discover microscopic design rules for new materials, recently focusing on "multivalent" interactions - those mediated by many ligand-receptor bonds - and how they lead to superselective binding on biological or artificial surfaces."
Poster presented by Nick Tito.
Poster titles New Horizons in designer materials Dutch Materials 2016 (Pdf file)
For more information: Reina Boerrigter (Secretary 4TU.HTM)
Twitter: @4TU_HTM, #dutchmaterials