Part of the
High-Tech Materials
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
High-Tech Materials


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


4TU.HTM Events

Mon 29 May 08.00 until 2 Jun 2017 18.00
Ameland Summer School Smart Materials
** This event took place already. **
Mon 13 Mar 2017 / 10.00 - 17.00
The Unexpected Science of Chocolate and Steel
Did you know that chocolate tastes different, is less prone to breaking and melts more quickly when its structure changes? And did you know that this is a typical materials-related aspect that researchers also look at when making steel, for example? The complex challenges that chocolatiers face every day are in fact pure science, just like the production of steel. For whom: The event is particularly appropriate for bachelor and master students & researchers who study or work at one of the four universities of technology in the Netherlands, but of course anyone interested in the spellbinding science of steel and chocolate is welcome!
Mon 6 09.00 until 10 Mar 2017 17.00
Soft Matter CryoTEM workshop
The Laboratory of Materials and Interface Chemistry (TU/e) together with FEI Company will organize the 5th International CryoTEM Workshop
Thu 13 Oct 2016
4TU.HTM Dutch Materials 2016
** This event took place already. A report can be read here. **
Mon 19 Sep 2016
Workshop: Liquid crystal as functional material
This two-day workshop on ‘Liquid crystal as functional material’ was organized by Eindhoven University of Technology and University of Twente within the framework of 4TU.High-Tech Materials. The main purpose of this workshop was to exchange/ share recent developments in liquid crystals between the research groups in the Netherlands and abroad. It was a very successful international workshop on liquid crystals with both national and international participants. The participants/lecturers came from the USA, Israel, and Japan. From the Netherlands a broad range of participants and presenters (Professors, PhD’s and Post-docs) came from Twente University, Eindhoven University of Technology and Delft University of Technology. Also scientists from the Radboud University Nijmegen and the University of Groningen participated. The lectures are very well received and stimulated many discussions, the participants expressed their appreciation towards the workshop and frequently asked to organize this on a yearly or two-yearly basis. 
Tue 6 Oct 2015 / 10.30 - 18.00
3TU.HTM Kick-off Symposium 'Dutch Materials'
** This event took place already. A report can be read here. ** On the programme of this kick-off symposium are the goals of the 4TU Research Centre High-Tech Materials and the research proposals that were selected for the new 4TU.HTM research programme “New Horizons in designer materials”. Moreover, dr. Costantino Creton (ESPCI ParisTech) will be giving a key note lecture.
Mon 18 May 2015 / 09.45 - 18.00
3TU.Conference 2015
The second 3TU.Innovation & Technology Conference will take place on 18 May in the World Trade Centre in Rotterdam. The theme of this second conference is “Inspirations for the Dutch Research Agenda 2025”. For more information and free registration, visit the 3TU.Conference website