ECCOMAS CMCS 2023 Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology
Prof. Marc Geers and dr. Varvara Kouznetsova will be chairing the CMCS 2023 Conference at Eindhoven University of Technology, 10-13 October 2023
The objective of CMCS is to elucidate cutting-edge developments in multi-scale computational modelling of complex materials, possessing distinct fine-scale structure and/or exhibiting coupled phenomena. Particular emphasis is put on emergent coarse-scale behaviour resulting from the underlying fine-scale structure. CMCS thus focuses on both the (experimentally informed) modelling of complex fine-scale structural phenomena, and on their upscaling to coarser scales. CMCS will gather scientists from different disciplines working on scale-bridging challenges in complex materials to advance the field significantly. CMCS will foster inspiring and rewarding discussions and will serve as a platform for establishing and nurturing links between researchers.
The format of this CMCS conference consists of invited lectures by experts in the field. In addition, there will be a limited number of contributed poster presentations by emerging young investigators (PhD students in all stages of their PhD programs, postdocs and young researchers). Other participants, not contributing to the lectures and posters, are also welcome.
Heterogeneous solids and structures
Multi-scale modeling methodologies
Computational micromechanics
Structure-property relations