4TU.HTM Diffraction Workshop at the Reactor Institute, TU Delft
The 1st 4TU.HTM Neutron Diffraction Workshop (17-20 June 2025) aims to foster and train the Dutch materials research community in the application of neutron diffraction. The workshop includes education and hands-on training, providing comprehensive knowledge on neutron scattering and diffraction, from fundamental principles to advanced application.
Topics and hands-on training
Topics to be covered are:
- the basics of neutron scattering (techniques, theory, and instrumentation)
- powder diffraction (principles, applications, and analysis methods)
- pair distribution function (PDF) techniques (investigating disordered, amorphous and liquid materials using diffraction techniques and extracting structural information via PDF)
- magnetic neutron diffraction (overview and relevance to magnetic studies)
- Rietveld refinement (introduction, applications in crystallographic analysis, and best practices)
Practical training in:
- X-Ray Diffraction (data collection and interpretation)
- Neutron Diffraction (practical experience with real and simulated data)
- Neutrons as a tool (FISH and Test beamline)
- Participants will be provided with a facility tour
Interactive and social sessions:
- Short presentations
- Poster sessions
- Lunches, BBQ, and other gatherings