Twice a year 4TU.HTM organizes a joint workshop together with M2i, the Materials innovation institute, to bring together scientists and industrial partners with interest in and expertise on a particular topic throughout the different types of materials, techniques and processes for an exchange of ideas and observations.
In the last couple of years 4TU.HTM organized joint workshops on:
- 4TU.HTM & 4TU.Ethics & Technology (2017)
- Nano-Characterisation (2019)
- Nucleation (2019)
- Surfaces, Interfaces and Coatings (2020)
- Articifial Intelligence in Materials Science (2021)
- Circular & Sustainable Materials in 2050 (2022)
- Soft Matter & Self-Assembly (2023)
- Role of Machine Learning in Molecular Discovery & Scientific Understanding (2024)
- Advanced In Situ Methods for Materials Characterization (2024, upcoming)
And as part of the M2i Meeting Materials Conferences:
- Education in Materials Science (2019)
- Materials for Energy (2020)
- Metamaterials (2021 / April 2022)
- Advanced Materials Characterisation (2022)