Alice & Eve go digital
An Integrated Learning Infrastructure to Support Programming Education
Beauty and Joy of Computing in Dutch
Building community of LGBTIQ+ ICT researchers
Combinatorics in Digital Communication
Cyber Security Ethics
Cyber Security Next Generation (CSng)
Deep continual learning
Dutch Real-Time Systems Community
Dutch Touch
Dutch Touch 2022
Dutch Touch 2023
Enhance understanding of the mathematics and computer science behind artificial intelligence (AI) among high school students and teachers
European Innovation Academy
Expressive Robots
FLOW Measures of breastfeeding and infant sucking behavior
Using Food Recommender Systems to Promote Healthy Choices
From algorithms to inspiration attracting more girls to computer science with Bioinformatics
Gender and Nationality Composition in Student Teams
GPGPU Applications
Human-Centered Sustainable IoT
Information Forensics and Security
Intelligent Long-range Wi-Fi
Interdisciplinary Insights on Group Dynamics
Leveraging ICT for energy systems Challenges and Opportunities
Lorentz workshop “Beyond the Mobile-Cloud Computing Paradigm”
Making sense of sound emitted by electric vehicles
Model Management and Analytics
Multi-Paradigm Modelling and Management of Software-Intensive Systems
Netherlands Hardware Acceleration
Robots for pain management in children
Self Sustainable Computing
Smart bikes
The FIRE Symposia Series FPGA Innovation Research Exchange
Towards a Research Agenda for Digital Twins of the Netherlands' Energy Systems
Wirelessly Powered Smart Dust
Workshop Season-school on Demand Flexibility in Cyber-physical Energy Systems
“DIY Sound Instrument & Frequency Analysis” to Promote ICT