In January 2020, we organized Alice & Eve: A celebration of women in computing that highlighted the role and contributions of women in Computer Science. The event consisted of (1) A conference with mainly female speakers. The congress was explicitly not about gender issues within IT, but rather to show that research done by women is excellent, interesting and relevant. The conference featured a poster competition, where junior researchers could win prizes, all sponsored by companies (2) An exhibition (with accompanying booklet) which portrays 25 women, from the Netherlands and abroad, that highlight the prominent role and contributions of women to computer science. See
The conference was attended by 80, mostly female, participants. We had extremely positive reactions on the conference and the exhibition. It was planned for the exhibition to travel to various places in the Netherlands (ICT.OPEN, RUG, VU, UvA, CWI, Delft, RU, Leiden, TU/e) and abroad (Aachen). Unfortunately, the Covid-19 crisis prevented this from happening in 2020; we could only show it at the KIVI event Women in Science - Inspiration for your career. We still expect the exhibition to travel, albeit later. In 2021, Alice & Eve will be hosted at the Radboud University Nijmegen (possibly in a hybrid or online format).
To leverage the momentum and enthusiasm, we plan to make a digital version of the exhibition. Such a digital version of the exhibition offers additional channels, content and audience to communicate our message. We can also reach a wider audience, such as the general public, high school pupils, etc.
- Prof.dr. Marieke Huisman, Professor, University of Twente
- Dr. Cynthia Liem, Assistant professor, Delft University of Technology
- Prof.dr. Alexander Serebrenik, Professor, Eindhoven University of Technology
- Dr. Alma Schaafstal, Program Director Creative Technology, University of Twente
- Prof.dr. Marielle Stoelinga, Professor, University of Twente