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TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


Leveraging ICT for energy systems Challenges and Opportunities

(Co-Funded Project by 4TU.Energy and 4TU.NIRICT)

Modern power systems, increasingly reliant on renewable energy sources, introduce a range of (cyber-)physical phenomena such as wide-area harmonics, sub-synchronous controller-based oscillations, and cascading failures. Traditional deterministic approaches are often insufficient to understand or control these dynamics fully.

Simultaneously, the ICT field has rapidly evolved, providing revolutionary tools such as AI and machine learning that can significantly enhance energy system analysis and management. These technologies allow for complex system modelling, predictive analytics, and real-time data processing, which are essential for addressing the dynamic challenges faced by modern energy systems.

By integrating the operational expertise of power engineers with the innovative capabilities of ICT professionals, digital twins can be developed as tools that mirror real-world energy systems in a virtual environment. However, realizing digital twins requires overcoming challenges related to data quality, computational capacity, and ICT infrastructure. 4TU is full of innovative researchers on energy and ICT, the two critical expertise needed to realize digital twins and other ICT technologies. The collaborative exploration of these technologies in workshops and symposiums will:

The primary objective of this funding request is to organize a series of events that bring together experts from the energy systems and ICT domains to address current challenges in digital twins for energy systems.

This initiative will enable participants from diverse fields to become aware of the challenges and opportunities at the intersection of ICT and energy, potentially leading to groundbreaking solutions that leverage the strengths of both domains.

