Within the 4TUs, there are a number of research groups active in the area of Internet of Things (IoT) or require expertise from the field without having full knowledge about what their peers in other Dutch universities do.
IoT4U aims to bring these researchers together to (i) raise awareness about IoT related research in the Netherlands, (ii) create a platform for discussion, exchange of ideas and expertise as well as educating young researchers active in the field of IoT, (iii) act as a bridge between technical research and application needs, (iv) showcase some of the potentials of IoT through working demonstrations, and (v) provide solutions to emerging technical challenges of IoT through organizing hackathons.
Project partners:
- Dr. Nirvana Meratnia, University of Twente (Contact person: n.meratnia@utwente.nl)
- Prof. dr. Paul Havinga, University of Twente
- Prof. dr. Gerd Kortuem, Technical University of Delft
- Prof. dr. Johan Lukkien, Technical University of Eindhoven
- Prof. dr. Coen Ritsema, University of Wageningen