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Four projects awarded funding for 4TU.NIRICT call 2022

Tuesday, 20 September 2022

In March 2022, the 4TU.NIRICT centre launched the 4TU.NIRICT call 2022 to support all ICT related activities that help in strengthening the 4TU.NIRICT community. Applications could be submitted until June 1st. 4TU.NIRICT received many proposals with a good spread of the 4TUs. After thoroughly reviewing all proposals by the members of the NIRICT Board, four projects have been awarded funding:

 Workshop/Season-school on Demand Flexibility in Cyber-physical Energy Systems

Electrification of society is key to energy transition. However, it triggers structural changes in the traditional energy system moving to a Smart Grid with multiple demand/generation sources, and demanding a synergy between ICT and emerging technologies (electric vehicles, solar panels, batteries, etc.) to keep a reliable energy system. This transition involves technical issues such as congestion problems and vulnerability of the system due to potential cyber-security threats. In this project, the main goal is to promote the development of innovative approaches combining ICT and electrical engineering, highlighting the need for stronger cross-functional collaboration and academia-industry bonding. The project has different activities, including theoretical sessions to introduce key concepts in the energy transition domain e.g., demand flexibility, optimal energy management, cyber-security, and digital twins. Our activities also include hands-on experiences (where participants will learn how to model flexibility in energy communities using Pyomo) and a real demonstration of a pilot project (where smart charging strategies for EVs are deployed via the cyber-physical platform DEMkit). A poster session and networking activity are also planned including external partners from the industry to exchange knowledge and experiences on their synergy with the academic community. 

Combinatorics in Digital Communication

The application of sophisticated mathematical techniques to digital communication is a traditional strength of the Dutch research landscape, which has made the Netherlands the home of algebraic coding theory and algebraic combinatorics in Europe over the course of the last decades. The goal of this 4TU project is to create a network around the applications of combinatorics to ICT, by fostering domestic collaborations and giving them strong international visibility. The funding will be used towards the organization of a workshop covering predominant trends in the field (extremal combinatorics for error correction, finite geometry, DNA-based data storage, network information theory, rank-metric codes, etc.), with focus on interdisciplinary collaborations and community forming.

Dutch Real-Time Systems Community

The Netherlands has a world-leading high-tech manufacturing industry that builds distributed real-time cyber-physical systems of ever-increasing complexity. Such systems need to satisfy timing requirements to deliver (mission-critical) functionality. While Dutch universities have researchers actively working in this field, there is not yet an organized community through which they can join forces, meet, and collaborate cohesively. We plan to use the funding for building a Dutch real-time systems community by organizing a workshop in the Netherlands with several invited speakers from abroad, followed by a consolidation event after 3 months. We aim at creating a sustainable community on real-time systems in NL to combine its research forces, stimulate collaborations cohesively, and favor its outreach internationally. The funded events will be a cornerstone to establishing the Dutch real-time systems community with a leading event in NL and with the main stakeholders being mostly 4TU.NIRICT affiliated universities.

Dutch Touch

The 6th Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social and Affective Touch in the Netherlands, also knows as Dutch Touch, will take place on November 11th, 2022 in Utrecht. The Dutch Touch society includes researchers from Dutch universities who study touch, representatives of companies specialising in haptics, artists, and other practitioners working with touch. The meeting is dedicated to strengthening the community and collaboration between the stakeholders in the Netherlands. The Dutch Touch lasts a full day, and includes discussions, demos, and a workshop (no lectures or presentations).

The meeting is open to anyone interested in social and affective touch. If you wish to attend the meeting on the 11th of November, or if you want to stay informed about the future events, please contact Dasha Kolesnyk via

The goal of 4TU.NIRICT is to strengthen and support collaboration among researchers and practitioners of the 4TU institutes working in the ICT domain. It promotes cross-disciplinary collaboration beyond institutional boundaries, as well as the diversity and inclusion of the Dutch ICT research community. In this way it intends to increase the impact of ICT research in The Netherlands.