In September 2024, the 4TU.NIRICT centre launched the 4TU.NIRICT Call for Proposals for Raising Awareness in High Schools on ICT Challenges to support all activities that contribute to attracting high school students to NLT (Nature, Life, and Technology) subjects and supporting teachers with necessary skills for promoting and teaching these subjects.
Applications could be submitted until December 2nd, 2024 and the funding is available to be spent in 2025.
We received five proposals in total and after thoroughly reviewing all proposals by the members of the NIRICT MT, we are glad to announce that the following three proposals have received funding:
🏆'DIY Sound Instrument & Frequency Analysis' to Promote ICT
- dr. Bahareh Abdi, Assistant Professor, Engineering Education (EEE) group, Department of Microelectronics, TU Delft
- dr. Mahboobeh Zangiabady, Lecturer in the Design and Analysis of Communication Systems (DACS) group in the Department of EEMCS at the University of Twente
- dr. İlke Ercan, Associate Professor, chair of the Electrical Engineering Education section, Department of Microelectronics, TU Delft
- Prof. dr. ir. Alle-Jan van der Veen, Professor, Chairman Signal Processing Systems (SPS), Department of Microelectronics, TU Delft
- dr. F.R. (Fredrik) Jansson, Researcher & software engineer, Geoscience & Remote Sensing Department, Civil Engineering and Geosciences , TU Delft
- dr. ir. S. Haemers, Educational Developer & Subject coordinator nature, life and technology Beta support point South Holland, TU Delft/TNW
- Ir. S.A. (Stefanie) Brackenhoff, PhD candidate, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Groningen
🏆From algorithms to inspiration: attracting more girls to computer science with Bioinformatics
- Jasmijn Baaijens, Assistant Professor at TU Delft, Intelligent Systems Department, Pattern Recognition & Bioinformatics
- Robert Smith, Docent Level 2 at Wageningen University & Research, Laboratory of Systems & Synthetic Biology, board member of BioSB Education Committee
- Claudia de Buck, PhD candidate at Wageningen University & Research, departments of Bioprocess Engineering and Systems & Synthetic Biology, board member of ‘Stichting Biologie Olympiade Nederland’
- Kees van Bochove, MSc, MEd, Docent Informatica, College de Heemlanden, Houten, The Netherlands
🏆 Enhance understanding of the mathematics and computer science behind artificial intelligence (AI) among high school students and teachers
- Renée Prins, Chair of VO-HO netwerken, Delft University
- Hans Sterk, University Lecturer, TU Eindhoven, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
- Clara Stegehuis, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Twente
- Rico van Lingen, High school teacher at Carmel College Salland, Raalte