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Thursday, 9 February 2023

RECENTRE Kickoff meeting

After the successful pre kick-off meeting at TU Delft on 9 February 2023 the official RECENTRE kick off meeting was hosted by Annemieke Witteveen at the University of Twente on 13 April 2023. Goal of the meeting was to get to know each other, brainstorm about possible collaborations and define the ideal future we aim to achieve with the RECENTRE project. We started with highly interactive lectures to understand the expertise of all partners in the consortium. After the coffee break we continued with a card game about responsible futuring under the enthusiastic guidance of the UT DesignLab. As time was very limited we plan follow up sessions of this card game in our upcoming RECENTRE consortium meetings. We ended the kick-off meeting with a speed dating session at the eHealth House of the University of Twente. Representatives from all work packages had short, rotating 1 on 1 meetings with other work packages to brainstorm about collaborations and define action points for follow-up. The RECENTRE kick-off meeting was a great success. The next consortium meeting is planned at the TU Eindhoven on 7 September 2023.

From left to right: Judith Austin (WP5-UT), Arlene John (WP2-UT), Christina Bode (MT, WP5-UT), Agnes Berendsen (WP4-WUR), Tina Nane (MT, WP1-TUD), Meyke Roosink (WP7-UT), Marco Raaben (MT-UT), Annemieke Witteveen (MT, WP2-UT), Oded Raz (MT, WP3-TU/e), Laura Winkens (WP6-WUR), Ana Coiciu (WP6-WUR).